

文戏[wén xì]


词典Chinese operas characterized by singing and acting文戏。

文戏 汉英大词典

文戏[wén xì]

Chinese operas characterized by singing and acting

文戏 双语例句

1. 文戏是什么意思

1. 涉及到武戏场次中的文戏我也来帮忙导。
    Repertoire relates to screening in the text of play I have to help guide.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. 答:我认为我更喜欢文戏
    RADCLIFFE: I think that I like the quieter scenes.

3. 另外,京剧可粗略地分为武戏和文戏
    Moreover, Beijing opera can be roughly divided into the military plays and the singing plays.

4. 村庄每天的太阳-道木的夫人湖带来了他的1 4英尺西方钓竿出售在俱乐部s拍卖会,定于本月底的文戏
    Villages Daily Sun - Doug Wood of Lady Lake brought his 14-foot Western fly rod in to sell at the club s auction, scheduled for the end of the show.

5. 在文戏中唱和表演起很重要的作用。
    In a singing play singing and acting play an important part.

6. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

6. 早上九时宋承宪与女主角李延喜於西贡码头一海鲜酒家拍摄,可能因为连日来香港的天气都不太稳定,不时下大雨,今日都是拍摄文戏为主。
    At 9am SSH and LYH were shooting at a seafood restaurant in Sai Kung pier. Probably due to the unstable weather in Hong Kong for the past few days where there were heavy rain from time to time, today's shooting is focussed on civil and soft scenes.