

斥退[chì tuì]

词典dismiss sb. from his post撤职。

斥退 汉英大词典

斥退[chì tuì]


[旧](罢免) dismiss sb. from his post

斥退 网络解释

1. 斥退在线翻译

1. ryve:rygc 挤到 | ryve 斥退 | sfsf 村村

斥退 双语例句

1. 求您也帮助我们在生活中,建立防卫,斥退灵魂的仇敌。
    We ask that You would help us build in our lives the protection we need against the enemy.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 她斥退了他。
    She dressed him down (=rebuked him).

3. 把他斥退了。
    SOBEL: Get rid of him.

4. 他/她要不然就是被斥退,解雇,或者更坏;要不然就还在您的领导下从事工作。
    S/he either quit, got fired or worse yet, s/he is still with you under producing.

5. 这时来了一个穿着华美的衣服,样子也很慈祥老妇人斥退了众仙女,问李岳他们从哪里来的。
    This time to China and the United States wearing a dress, look very kindly old woman who dismiss many of the fairies, LI Yue asked that they come from.

6. 斥退的解释

6. 耶稣以高超灵力拒绝魔鬼,引用圣经话语斥退它。
    Jesus rejected the devil with the Words of God.

7. 斥退在线翻译

7. 他斥退了一个为心脏基金募捐的人,而他的朋友则捐了一些零钱等等。
    He snubbed a person collecting money for a heart fund, while his friend contributed some change.