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1. fang bao:范蠡 fan li | 方苞 fang bao | 方便 fang bian
1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D
1. 从朱子到方苞,解释《春秋》的方法,不断的在流动。
From Zhu Zi to Fang Bao, methods of explanation of Chun Qiu change continually.
2. 方苞虽有意识的区别与联系经史之异,而在这一过程中,其所建构的具体内容为何,这些是经典的意义还是圣人的意图,或迳是方苞本人的理解,是本文所欲探究的课题。
Fang Bao discriminated and connected the difference of classics and history. During the process, what's the concrete content? Did the construction were meaning of classics or the purpose of sage or just interpretation of Fang Bao?
3. 前人对桐城派代表方苞和姚鼐的研究很多,而作为开创者的方苞与集大成的姚鼐之间的中介人物刘大櫆常常为人所忽视。
The research on their predecessors, Yao Nai Fang Bao are deep and comprihensive. But as the pioneers, Liu Da Kui, was often neglected by people.
4. 在方苞的“义法”说中,“义”是具有重要意义的事物和道理,“法”则是“义”的存在形式。
In Fang Bao's view of " Yi-Fa ", " Yi " means things and truth that bears important significance, and " Fa " is the form of " Yi ".
5. 方苞是汉学的对立面吗?&桐城派与汉宋学之争札记之一
Is Fang Bao the Opposition to Han Studies & Notes for argumentation between Tongcheng school and Han-Song studies
6. 方苞的意思
6. 在方苞的“义法”说中,“义”是具有重要意义的事物和道理,“法”则是“义”的存在形式。
In Fang Bao's view of " Yi-Fa "," Yi " means things and truth that bears important significance, and " Fa " is the form of " Yi ".