

旁敲侧击[páng qiāo cè jī]

词典attack by innuendo含沙射影;旁敲侧击。


词典approach a subject without coming straight to the point旁敲侧击。

词典beat about [around] the bush

词典by means of devious questioning旁敲侧击。


词典beat about the bush隐约其辞;不直截了当地说,旁敲侧击;迂回其词;绕脖子。

旁敲侧击 汉英大词典

旁敲侧击[páng qiāo cè jī]

attack by innuendo; approach a subject without coming straight to the point; beat about [around] the bush; by means of devious questioning; by-stroke; fool round the stump; in a roundabout way; make a veiled attack; make innuendoes; make oblique references

旁敲侧击 网络解释

1. beat around the bush:英文有拨丛寻猎(beat the bush)之谚,也有旁敲侧击(beat around the bush)之谚,皆锁定bush(布什)而对付之. 如今李文奇正相生、侧目以告,打官司打到这种境界,允称佳作. 美国体育记者瑞斯(Grantland Rice)说的好:不在输赢,在你怎么玩--

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. beat about the bush:as professional as professional could be 炉火纯青 | beat about the bush 旁敲侧击 | engage in idle theorizing 纸上谈兵

3. beat around/about the bush:每况愈下 go from bad to worse | 旁敲侧击 beat around/about the bush | 平安无恙 safe and sound

4. make oblique references, innuendoes, sly:372. 偶爾為之 did it occasionally | 373. 旁敲側擊 make oblique references, innuendoes, sly | 374. 苟且偷生 live on without ambition