

旌旗蔽日[jīng qí bì rì]

词典The banners stood so thick that they hid the sun.旌旗蔽日。


词典Fluttering banners hid the sun.旌旗蔽日。


词典The gay banners shut out the sun.旌旗蔽日。

词典the great flags hiding the sun旌旗蔽日。

旌旗蔽日 汉英大词典

旌旗蔽日[jīng qí bì rì]

The banners stood so thick that they hid the sun.; Fluttering banners hid the sun.; The gay banners shut out the sun.; the great flags hiding the sun:

  例:旌旗蔽日, 刀剑如麻。

    There are myriads of flags enough to conceal the sun, and swords are as numerous as a field of hemp.