1. 无倚无靠什么意思
1. 他在隐密处杀害无辜人。他的眼睛窥探无倚无靠的人。
He sitteth in the lurking places of the villages: in the secret places doth he murder the innocent: his eyes are privily set against the poor.
2. 我不后悔,只觉得空虚,像一片云那样的无倚无靠。
Though I had no regrets, there was an emptiness in my heart. I was like a lone and drifting cloud.
3. 无倚无靠的反义词
3. 的人。他的眼睛窥探无倚无靠的人。
His eyes look for some unfortunate victim.
4. 无倚无靠的翻译
4. 无倚无靠的人、把自己交托你。你向来是帮助孤儿的。
The victim commits himself to you; you are the helper of the fatherless.
5. 10:10 他屈身蹲伏,无倚无靠的人,就倒在他爪牙之下
He croucheth, and humbleth himself, that the poor may fall by his strong ones.
6. 他屈身蹲伏,无倚无靠的人,就倒在他爪牙之下
His victims are crushed, they collapse; they fall under his strength.
7. 他在村庄埋伏等候;他在隐密处杀害无辜的人。他的眼睛窥探无倚无靠的人
He lies in wait near the villages; from ambush he murders the innocent, watching in secret for his victims.