无边[wú biān]
brimless; rimless; boundless:
a vast expanse of the desert
1. 无边的解释
1. ananta:anabhilapya 不可说 | ananta 无边 | anantara 无间
2. endlessness:endlesslyinexhaustiblyunfailingly 无穷尽地 | endlessness 无边 | endlichite 砷钒铅矿
3. senfina;senlima:无比: senkompara;nekomparebla | 无边: senfina;senlima | 无产阶级: proletaro
1. 当萨格拉斯看到自己的军队已经有了规模,并且可以服从他的每个命令的时候,他便挥师冲进黑暗无边的宇宙。
Once Sargeras saw that his armies were amassed and ready to follow his every command, he launched his raging forces into the vastness of the Great Dark.
2. 人们越来越认识到,尽管海洋无边无垠,但其资源并不是取之不尽用之不竭的。
There is no complete inventory of resources to be found in the oceans and seas were not inexhaustible.
3. 唐太斯虽然刚刚从孤独中挣脱出来,但有时却偏偏喜欢孤独,说到孤独,哪有比驾着一艘帆船,在朦胧的夜色里,无边的寂静中,苍天的俯视下,孤零零地漂浮在大海上的这种孤独更完美更富有诗意呢?
Dantès, cast from solitude into the world, frequently experienced an imperious desire for solitude; and what solitude is more complete, or more poetical, then that of a ship floating in isolation on the sea during the obscurity of the night, in the silence of immensity, and under the eye of heaven?
4. 万能打印机是多介质彩色输出设备,介质输出厚度最厚可达20厘米,支持A3+无边距输出,部份升级产品精度更高达5760dpi,打印不受任何材料限制,输出色彩靓丽、效果逼真,图像防水、防晒、耐磨损、附着力强。
Universal Printer Color output is a multi-media equipment, the most thick dielectric thickness output up 20 cm, support A3 + Borderless output, some upgrading products as much as 5760 dpi precision, print materials without any restrictions, the output color Beautiful, lifelike, image waterproof, sunscreen, wear resistance, adhesion strong.
5. 她再次拥抱被杀的丈夫。她的喜悦无边无际。普洛忒西拉斯给她讲述了他自我献身的故事。
Protesilaus told her the story of his selfsacrifice, and Laodamiawas happy to become a bride for a second time.
6. 情如大海阔无边。
Where passion's as unbounded as the sea.
7. 传说集齐了所有七颗龙珠的人就能召唤出伟大的神龙,而这个法力无边的神灵将能实现他们心中所想的任何一个愿望!
Legend says that whomever collects all seven Dragon Balls can call forth the awesome Eternal Dragon, a powerful creature that will grant whatever wish their heart desires!
8. sraight拼错了,应为straight)我双眼凝视着穿越闪耀的阳光,迷失在无边的思维中,也迷失在无恒的时空中。。。。。。
I was staring sraight into the shinning sun, lost in thought and lost in time.
9. 要么就是一张横竖交错无边无际的网?
Either of a vast network of interlaced?
10. 无边的翻译
10. 不见天日的荒原无边无际地轮回?
What unsunned gyres of waste eternity?
11. 赞美这无边的宇宙
Prais'd be the fathom less universe
12. 而能到他的大学里读书,又将是一件幸福无边的事情。
And can come to his university studies, is a matter of happiness.
13. 给你特别的祝福,愿圣诞和新年带给你无边的幸福!
May Christmas and the New Year hold lots of happiness for you!
14. 此外,我们对运动的热情是无边的。
And, of course, our passion for sports knows no bounds.
15. 给你特别的祝福,愿圣诞和新年带给你无边的幸福
A cheery Christmas and the New Year hold lots of happiness for you!
16. 这包含了无边的时间。
And that has taken immense time.
17. 无边的反义词
17. 仅有无叶的树枝上落下来的雨滴,发着空洞的微音,在老树丛中,只有无边的灰色,绝望的静止,寂默,虚无。
Grey and clammy and silent, even from the shuffling of the collieries, for the pits were working short time, and today they were stopped altogether.
18. 无边的意思
18. 仅有无叶的树枝上落下来的雨滴,发着空洞的微音,在老树丛中,只有无边的灰色,绝望的静止,寂默,虚无。
For the rest, among the old trees was depth within depth of grey, hopeless inert ia, silence, nothingness.
19. 无边
19. 并且无边的机会那感觉是礼物,我们必须通过对所有来在我们以后。。。。。。
And that sense of boundless opportunity is a gift that we must pass on to all who come after us.......
20. 二十年前,这里出了一个法力无边的邪恶魔法师,一个名叫特伦特的青年。
Twenty years ago there had been one of the greatest of the Evil Magicians: a young man named Trent.