无隙可乘[wú xì kě chéng]
词典have not yet found openings to exploit:无隙可乘。
词典leave no room for:无隙可乘。
词典no chink in sb.'s armour:无隙可乘。
词典no crack to get in by:无隙可乘。
无隙可乘[wú xì kě chéng]
have not yet found openings to exploit; leave no room for; no chink in sb.'s armour; no crack to get in by; no weakness to take advantage of; without any chance to seize hold of
1. no crack to get in by:no crack to get in by无隙可乘 | be ashamed to go back to one's people after a defeat or failure无颜见江东父老 | have nothing to say in reply无言以对