

日昼 网络解释

1. daylight:daylight 日光 | daylight 日昼 | daylight-signalling mirror 日光信号器

2. 日昼什么意思

2. jittau:jitsit 日蝕 | jittau 日晝 | jitthau 日頭

日昼 双语例句

1. 我给你展示了字母 A 与字母 Z 之间的距离在日昼与夜晚之间。
    I showed you the distance between the letter A and Z between day and night.

2. 作品同隔壁商业活动之间的关系变化取决于日昼之间的光线差异;有时它表现为一种真实的复制,有时它只是一种视觉上的戏仿,而有时又两者兼而有之。
    The work's relationship to the adjacent business changes depending hour of the day; at times it is a physical imitation, at times it is a virtual simulation, and sometimes it's both.

3. 日昼。由水中向上拍摄的镜头:失事的汽艇。
    Included here are owned by Chris Carter and 1013 Productions, all rights reserved.

4. 由于日昼和半日昼因素的相对作用,潮汐涨退模式颇为复杂。
    The tidal pattern is complex due to the relative effects of the diurnal and semi-diurnal components.