

日暮途穷[rì mù tú qióng]

词典be at [come to] the end of one's rope

词典approach the end of one's days日暮途穷。


词典on one's decline日暮途穷。

词典on one's last legs垂死;日暮途穷。

日暮途穷 汉英大词典

日暮途穷[rì mù tú qióng]

be at [come to] the end of one's rope; approach the end of one's days; on one's decline; on one's last legs; reach (at) the end of one's tether; The day is waning and the road is ending.

日暮途穷 网络解释

1. 日暮途穷

1. The day is waning and the road is ending:黔驴技穷 The Guizhou donkey has exhausted its tricks | 日暮途穷 The day is waning and the road is ending | 如火如荼 Like a raging fire

2. On one's last legs:非驴非马 Neither fish nor flesh | 日暮途穷 On one's last legs | 铁右心肠Marble-hearted

3. at the end of one's rope:1. 日积月累 accumulate through long years | 2. 日暮途穷 at the end of one's rope | 3. 日日夜夜 day and night

4. rmtq:十目所视 smss | 日暮途穷 rmtq | 垂暮之年 cmzn