


Irwolsan[地名] [韩国] 日月山。

日月山 双语例句

1. 湖周围有日月山、青海南山、大通B山等,有布哈河等40条支流入湖。
    Riyue around Lake Qinghai Nanshan, Chase B Hill, there are Buha River 40 teams into the lake.

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2. 它位于青海省东北部,在大通山、日月山、青海南山之间,面积4582平方公里,最深达32.8米,是中国最大的咸水湖。
    It is located in north-eastern part of Qinghai Province, in the Chase Hill, Mountain, Qinghai Nanshan between, with an area of 4582 square kilometers, the most up to 32.8 meters, is China`s largest salt lake.

3. 日月山

3. 位于青海省东北部的大通山、日月山、青海南山之间。
    Situated among Datong, Sun and Moon, and South Qinghai mountains, the lake is in the northeastern part of Qinghai Province

4. 汉唐时代,唐蕃古道上有一个必经的险关,日月山
    During Han and Tang dynasty, RiYue Mountain is only one dangerous entrance to Tangfangu path.

5. 公司坐落在美丽的日月山旁,青藏公路的起点,占地面积10400平方米,地理位置优越,交通十分便利。
    The company is located in the beautiful Mountain next to the starting point of the Qinghai-Tibet Highway, covers an area of 10, 400 square meters and strategic location, transportation is very convenient.

6. 第一个台阶是海拔3500米到3680米的日月山和关角山段,第二台阶是海拔4800米左右的昆仑山到唐古拉山口段,第三台阶是海拔5072米的唐古拉山口。
    The first stair is the elevation 3500 meters to 3680 meter Riyue and closes the Hornberg section, the second stair is elevation 4800 meter about Kunlun Mountain to the Tanggula shankou section, the third stair is the elevation 5072 meter Tanggula shankou.

7. 日月山

7. 日月山位于青海湖东侧,海拔最高点为4877米。
    Mountain is located on the eastern side of Qinghai Lake, the highest point above sea level to 4877 meters.

8. 四周高山环绕,南面是昆仑山脉,北面是祁连山脉,西北是阿尔金山脉,东为日月山,为封闭的内陆盆地。
    Surrounded by high mountains to the south Kunlun Mountains to the north Qilian Shan mountain range, the Northwest is the Altun Mountains, east Riyue, a closed inland basin.

9. 日月山的意思

9. 日月山是青海东部外流河与内陆河的分水岭,也是青海东部农业区和牧业区的自然分界线。
    Riyue Mountain is a watershed for valley of eastern Qinghai and inland river, it is also a line of demarcation for agriculture and herd industry in eastern Qinghai area.

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10. 这一段青藏公路与铁路并肩而行,西行经日月山进入牧区,在广阔的草原上渐行渐远。
    This section of the Qinghai-Tibet Highway and railway travelling westbound entry by Sun, pastoral in vast grasslands.

11. 日月山旅游文化的内涵及其开发
      The Cultural connotation of the Tourism on Riyue Mountains and the development