

旧书[jiù shū]

词典second-hand book旧书。

词典used book旧书。

词典old book


词典books by ancient writers旧书。

旧书 汉英大词典

旧书[jiù shū]

(破旧的书) second-hand book; used book; old book:


    old books in new binding;


    a well-thumbed book


(古书) books by ancient writers:


    a two-volume old book;


    I picked up some highly useful old books.

旧书 网络解释

1. 旧书在线翻译

1. secondhand book:gift 赠本 | secondhand book 旧书 | front cover 封面

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. bouquin m:948 bouquet m. 树丛,簇,扎,串,花束,酒香,瘦虾 NULL NULL | 949 bouquin m. 雄兔,老雄山羊,旧书,牛角猎号的吹口 NULL NULL | 950 bouquiniste n. 旧书商,贩卖旧书者 bouquiniste NULL

3. Senior Two students collected waste paper old books old toys empty cans and bottles:14. 教育部倡导学生每天锻... | 16. 高二学生收集旧报纸,旧书,旧玩具,空罐头盒,空瓶子等废物. Senior Two students collected waste paper old books old toys empty cans and bottles. | 17. 百分之三十的人认为乘车...

4. front cover:赠本secondhand book | 旧书front cover | 封面back cover

旧书 双语例句

1. 旧书

1. 这些旧书将被捣成纸浆。
    These old books are to be pulped.

2. 去年(1999),我在爱丁堡的一个旧书店里找到了它。我非常高兴,整天的读。
    Last year, 1999, I found it in a second hand bookshop in Edinburgh and I read it all day.

3. 旧书的意思

3. 我一直在我的旧文件和旧书堆里搜寻那封失踪的信。
    I`ve been ferreting around among my old papers and books for the missing letter.

4. 严永中在环保站里负责整理回收书籍,发现很多保存的很好的旧书,直接卖给回收商实在可惜。
    As the person in charge of sorting books, Yan Yongzhong discovered many of the old texts were in mint-condition and he felt it was a pity to sell them to a recycling vendor.

5. 而我也不必再去猜这本旧书留言的主人公是谁了。
    It is not necessary to presume the dramatis personae who leaved message in the old book.

6. 旧书的反义词

6. 这本残破的旧书很有价值,我们需要把他重新装订一下。
    The tattered old book is valuable and we need to rebind it.

7. 旧书的反义词

7. 食货兄这趟旧书之旅的期望值要下降,还是要花点时间给亲朋好友买点纪念品的。

8. 她们还送了我外孙女一个发卡,那天我看到她们卖出去了一本旧书,卖了一美元,是一个小女孩儿要买,她妈妈就给买了。
    And sent my grandaughter a hair clamp, I saw she sold a old book for one dollar, to a little girl, as she wanted, the mother boughtit.

9. 旧书在线翻译

9. 我赶巧在一家旧书店里买到这本书。
    I got this book by chance at a second-hand bookshop.

10. danci.911cha.com

10. 我赶巧在一家旧书店里买到这本书。
    I get this book by chance at a second-hand bookshop.

11. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

11. 传统的旧书,加上现代化的营销方式,从简单的买卖旧书到逐渐成为一些珍稀图书或价值较高的旧书甚至孤本的拍卖平台的盈利模式,不但成就了不少创富者的财富之梦,同时促使孔夫子旧书网达到双赢。
      Traditional books written in ancient times, impose modern sale kind, arrive to make the secondhand book with rare books of a few precious or higher value gradually from simple business secondhand book even the auctions platform profit pattern of the only copy extant, not only accomplished many achieving rich person the dream of fortune, make net of aperture master books written in ancient times achieve at the same time double win.

12. 旧书

12. 房间里堆满了旧书和旧杂志。
      The room was stacked with old books and magazines.

13. 那个书房里堆满了一堆堆的旧书
      The study was full of piles of old books.

14. 旧书的近义词

14. 地板上堆满了旧书
      The floor was piled with old books.

15. 旧书

15. 它有好几个堆满了新书和旧书的房间,还有一间怡人的小咖啡馆和一个展览厅。
      It has rooms full of new and old books, a delightful cafe and what can best be described as a small exhibition of curiosities on the first floor.

16. 它有好几个堆满了新书和旧书的房间,还有一间怡人的小咖啡馆和一个展览厅。
      It has rooms full of new and old books, a delightfulcafé and what can best be described as a small exhibition ofcuriosities on the first floor.

17. 它有好几个堆满了新书和旧书的房间,还有一间怡人的小咖啡馆和一个展览厅。
      It has rooms full of new and old books, a delightful café and what can best be described as a small exhibition of curiosities on the first floor.

18. 旧书是什么意思

18. 因此,我将邀请函设计成一本古老的童话书,印在French Paper Dur-O-Tone 这系列的纸上,增添旧书的质感。
      They are printed on French Paper Dur-O-Tone to give a splotchy and grunge look.

19. 他呢,住在后院的那种下房里,帆布榻上放一条草褥、一张白木桌、两张麦秸椅、一个陶瓷水罐,一块木板上放着几本旧书,他那宝贝提箱放在屋角里,从来不生火。
      Jean Valjean inhabited the sort of porter's lodge which was situated at the end of the back courtyard, with a mattress on a folding-bed, a white wood table, two straw chairs, an earthenware water-jug, a few old volumes on a shelf, his beloved valise in one corner, and never any fire.

20. 他呢,住在后院的那种下房里,帆布榻上放一条草褥、一张白木桌、两张麦秸椅、一个陶瓷水罐,一块木板上放着几本旧书,他那宝贝提箱放在屋角里,从来不生火。
      Jean Valjean inhabited the sort of porter's lodge which was situated at the end of the back courtyard, with a mattress on a folding-bed, a white wood table, two straw chairs, an earthenware water-jug, a few old volumes on a shelf, his beloved valise in one corner, never any fire.