


词典old system旧贯;旧制。

词典old rules旧贯。

旧贯 双语例句

1. 本文据前人对唐代士族「中央官僚化」的研究成果,以唐代河东道泽、溜二州地区所收墓志铭主为例,作区域研究,发现本地区因地处贫瘠,鲜有士族存在,故现有所收墓志铭多为社会阶层较低的「小姓阶层」,这些阶级人士并在唐前期虽多仕官,却未有明显的中央官僚化现象,反多是安土重迁,「从旧贯葬」。
    This article aims at regional study in order to reflect the previous studies on the centralism by examing the hic jacets at the Ze 泽 and Lu 潞 regions, Hedong Dao.河东道 The author finds that due to the barren s oil, Shizu 士族, the highest 1evel in social status, rarely existed in this region. What we had find out from the hic jacets is that Xiaoxing class 小姓阶级 was the majority in this region. These people served for the Tang government in the early period of this dynasty. However, it did not show the appearance of centralism but Congjiuguanzang 从旧贯葬, deeply rooted in their hometown without moving.