



词典ensure stable yields despite drought or excessive rain旱涝保收。

旱涝保收 网络解释

1. 旱涝保收的翻译

1. bitu:邮件bitl | 旱涝保收bitu | 畅行biua

2. 旱涝保收的反义词

2. btihtous:btib 阿混 | btihtous 旱涝保收 | btii 附小

旱涝保收 双语例句

1. 旱涝保收是什么意思

1. 但到一些因为占据垄断资源而利润丰厚的企业,旱涝保收,并没有什么竞争挑战,像中石油这样的企业,要我说从大街上随便找个人当总经理都不会影响盈利。
    The increase of half a percent in the deposit reserve ratio wouldn`t significantly impact the lending capability of a banking system with 67% loan-deposit ratio.

2. 照他们的话说,这叫旱涝保收,能不高兴嘛!
    According to their words, is called Hanlaobaoshou can upset Well!

3. 旱涝保收在线翻译

3. 法拉利的销售量基本上旱涝保收,这次危机也不例外。
    Ferrari sales typically have held up in good times and bad.

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4. 旱涝保收基本农田人均0,5亩,60%以上是旱地。
    5 Per capitahan lao bao shou mu of basic farmland, 60% of which is dry land.

5. 旱涝保收是什么意思

5. 基于上述,本文根据地貌类型和人类活动的干扰程度将该区的生态系统分为三种基本类型,其基本上代表了在人类活动影响下生态系统的现状及退化过程:①峰丛~峡谷生态系统。局部为旱涝保收的农田系统,大部分是基本未受人类影响的森林生态系统。
    Comprehensive studies on agricultural developing history and ecological degrading processes prove that there is intimate interrelationship between them.

6. 全市有效灌溉面积740万亩,占耕地面积的80%,旱涝保收稳产高产田400多万亩,占耕地面积的40%以上。
    Effective irrigation area of the city's 740 million mu, accounting for 80 percent of arable land, 旱涝保收稳产高产Tian more than 400 million mu of arable land accounts for more than 40%.

7. danci.911cha.com

7. 那个年代,大公司的市场份额基本上已经划定,年复一年,旱涝保收,所谓看管CEO们基本上是主流,他们创造了一团和气的工作环境。
    In an era when big companies could count on a given market share year after year, so-called caretaker CEOs, who created congenial workplaces, largely ruled.

8. danci.911cha.com

8. 不论公司业绩如何,有许多高管目前每年仍能挣到数百万美元,几乎旱涝保收
    Plenty of senior executives are still in place earning millions of dollars a year, almost all guaranteed, regardless of how the company performs.