1. Kunming lake:宜芸馆 Museum to-yun | 昆明湖 Kunming Lake | 夕佳楼 Xi Jia Floor
2. The Kunming Lake:09. 大车谣 For the Ox-Cart | 10. 昆明湖 The Kunming Lake | 11. 怀乡行 Going Out of the Homesickness
1. 古称滇南泽,又名昆明湖、昆明池。
Ancient times known as Yunnan Minamisawa, also known as Kunming Lake, Kunming pool.
2. 滇池古名滇南泽,又名昆明湖,距昆明市约20公里。
Dianchi Lake of Yunnan Ancient南泽, also known as Kunming Lake, about 20 kilometers from Kunming.
3. 昆明湖
3. 颐和园很美,特别是昆明湖,好大哦!还有十七孔桥,我也终于有得以见到它了,真好。
Very beautiful, chaste, landscape is very beautiful, comfortable, still can sail at lake, is really beautiful!
4. 昆明湖
4. 夕阳投射出在昆明湖的十七孔桥上的两个行人的身影。
A setting sun silhouettes two pedestrians as they descend Kunming Lake`s Seventeen Arch Bridge.
5. 阅读下表内容,写一篇日记参观日期 2009年2月28日星期六天气晴参观地点故宫,颐和园具体安排上午参观故宫,故宫是明,清皇帝工作和生活的地方,那儿有许多建于几百年前的雄伟的皇家建筑下午参观颐和园,颐和园是中国最大,保存最完好的皇家花园,看到了昆明湖和长廊。
I went to the Imperial Palace and the Summer Palace, where are the two famous interesting places in Beijing. In the morning, I visited the Imperial Palace in which the emperors of Ming and Qing Dynasty worked and lived. There are a lot of magnificent buildings built hundreds years ago. In the afternoon I went to the Summer Palace that is the biggest garden in China. I saw the Kunming Lake and the Long Corridor.
6. 在昆明湖游泳是件非常快乐的事。
To swim in Kunming Lake is a great pleasure.
7. 昆明湖的反义词
7. 我们要到昆明湖附近去玩。
We are going to play near the Kunming Lake.
8. 昆明湖是什么意思
8. 昆明湖,北京,中国,1997
Kunming Lake, Beijing, China, 1997
9. 当我们在昆明湖的船上时,我们听到了岸上有人在唱京剧。
While we were in a boat on Kunming Lake, we heard someone singing Beijing Opera on the bank.
10. 昆明湖在北京,中国。
Kunming Lake in Beijing, China.
11. 最后一天,我们前往最后的一个景点——颐和园,而且昆明湖都结冰了。
Final day, we have gone to a final spot Summer Palace, Lake Kunming has all frozen and.
12. 911查询·英语单词
12. 如果确实是这样,着就是为什么在昆明湖里建造了一艘两层楼的石舫,那时为了讨好海军军官的。
Perhaps it was the reason why the famous Marble Boat, a double decker in marble in the Kunming Lake, was built - to please the angry officers in the Navy?
13. 京杭大运河是由人工河道和部分河流、湖泊配合构成的,全部路程可分为七段:(1)通惠河:BeiJing城市地区至通县,连接温榆河、昆明湖、白河,并加以疏浚而成;(2)北运河:通县至天津,通县至天津,哄骗潮白河的下游挖成;(3)南运河:天津至临清,哄骗卫河的下游挖成;(4)鲁运河:临清至台儿庄,哄骗汶水、泗水的水的源头,沿路过东平湖、南阳湖、昭阳湖、微山湖等自然湖泊;(5)中运河:台儿庄至清江;(6)里运河:清江至扬州,入长江;(7)江南运河:镇江至杭州。
The whole course of the Great Canal covers seven sections: the one from the city zone of Beijing to Tongxian County is called the Tonghui River, from Tongxian County to Tianjin called the North Canal, from Tianjin to Linqing called the South Canal, from Linqing to Tairzhuang called the Lu Canal, from Tairzhuang to Huaiyin called the Central Canal, from Huaiyin to Yangzhou called the Inner Canal (also called Gangou, which is the earliest canal in China), and across the Yangtze River the one from Zhenjiang to Hangzhou called the Jiangnan Canal.
14. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全
14. 颐和园坐落在北京城西北约20公里处,它是由59米高的万寿山和昆明湖组成的,共占地4350亩,有800年的历史。
The Summer Palace has a history of over 800 years.
15. 您将有机会乘龙船游昆明湖。
You will have a chance to take a cruise on KunmingLake.
16. 治镜阁位于颐和园内昆明湖北半部湖中的岛屿上,是一座气势极为宏伟的两层城垛式建筑。
Rule mirrors Court Hubei part Kunming Lake in Summer Palace of the island, is a very ambitious two-tier Chengduo momentum architecture.
17. 昆明湖
17. 颐和园内的昆明湖是为慈禧太后的生日而建。
The Kunming Lake in the Summer Palace was built for the Empress Dowager`s birthday.
18. 具有讽刺意味的是,慈禧用部分资金建了一个奢侈的大理石船立于昆明湖边上。
Ironically, the empress used part of the funds to erect an extravagant marble boat that sits on the edge of the palace`s Kunming Lake.
19. 颐和园由万寿山和昆明湖构成主体框架,里面亭台楼阁、殿堂厅室、塔航桥关,应有尽有。
It consists mainly of a hill and a man-made lake, with bridges, towers and halls all over the area.
20. 颐和园主要是由万寿山和昆明湖组成的。
The summer palace is mainly composed of Longevity Hill and Kunming lake.