

昆腔[kūn qiāng]

词典melodies which originated in Kunshan昆腔。


词典Jiangsu Province, in the Ming Dynasty

词典melodies for Kunqu opera昆腔。

词典music and opera of Kunshan昆腔。

昆腔 汉英大词典

昆腔[kūn qiāng]

melodies which originated in Kunshan; Jiangsu Province, in the Ming Dynasty; melodies for Kunqu opera; music and opera of Kunshan

昆腔 双语例句

1. 许多剧种所共有的成系统的腔调,如昆腔、高腔、梆子腔、皮黄
    Birds of the same feather flock together; have spiritual affinity

2. 从1917年北京名伶大汇演,及后来韩世昌东渡日本,荣庆社去天津、祥庆社去南方六省的情况来看,演出的也大都是昆腔
    Beijing Cantonese opera from 1917 Extravaganza, and the subsequent Han Shichang east to Japan, Rong agency to Tianjin, Xiang-Qing social situation in six provinces to the south of view, is also performed mostly Kunqiang.

3. 婺剧是浙江省主要戏曲剧种,俗称金华戏,因金华古称婺州,后定为婺剧。婺剧是一个多声腔剧种,拥有高腔、昆腔、乱弹、徽戏、滩簧、时调六种声腔,有悠久的历史。唱腔古朴豪放、激昂悲壮;感情沉郁。其高腔被认为是明代义乌腔和四平腔的遗音。婺剧的表演粗犷健康,朴实泼辣,多特技,生活气息浓郁、风格别致,深受观众喜爱。
    It is the chief operactic genre of Zhejiang, with Jinhua as its center, jinhua is ancient Wuzhou, hence its name, It has a long history and various tunes, exciting and magnificient, its representaion, unsreained and healthy with lost of stunts, received enthusiastically by the masses.

4. 而它建立在南方方言基础上的用韵特征,却使其成为明清曲学家论争的焦点,批评者借以建立新兴昆腔的音乐体制,而褒扬者更看重其自然协律的特点。
    However, the rhyme based on Southern dialect makes it the focus of arguments of Ming and Qing Dynasty. So the critics establish the musical system of the rising melodies which originate in Kunshan.

5. 昆剧是一种戏曲声腔、剧种、简称昆腔、昆曲或昆剧。
    Kun is an opera tune, drama, called Kun, Kun opera or.

6. 昆腔是什么意思

6. 晚明散曲家施绍莘是明人散曲中之大成者,他采用昆腔新声创制了许多优秀的散曲作品,并且获得非常好的市场反响。
    Shi Shaoxin, who was said to be the synthesizer of Sanqu creationers in Latter Ming Dynasty, made many perfect Sanqu works with new tunes, and obtained a very good market response.

7. 昆腔的翻译

7. 后由于受昆腔、高腔影响,其曲调逐渐分为东城调、西城调,成为一种可用不同形式的鼓作为伴奏乐器的说唱文学形式。
    Its tune divided into the East City tune and the West City tune, influenced by Kun tune and Gao tune, becoming a Ballad Literature which can be accompanied on different forms of drum.