


词典prosperous and flourishing昌旺;昌隆。

昌旺 双语例句

1. 感谢弟子昌旺将拙手书的〈药师佛赞颂〉的字色转成药师佛的色泽。
    Thanks to Disciple Chang Wang for transforming the praise to Medicine Guru Buddha in my calligraphy into the color of the Buddha.

2. 然而,这个最后目标并非是每一个瑜伽行者都能达成的,可是只要你走上了瑜伽之路后,你所获得的知明、因明、医明、声明、工业明,以及耳聪目明、精神昌旺等等的各种成果;对你而言也已经算是一个大丰收了!
    This is the final goal but not all yoga doers can reach.

3. 感谢弟子昌旺将拙书的百字明咒作成供实修用的咒轮。
    Thanks to Disciple Chang Wang for arranging my calligraphy of the Hundred-Syllable Mantra into a mantra wheel for practice.

4. 昌旺

4. 昌旺还提供一个更好的敬行图档,因此它也一并附呈。
    Chang Wang also offered a better image file for Jing xing, so it is also attached.

5. 谢谢弟子昌旺将此翰墨及印文重制。
    Thanks to disciple Chang Wang for rearranging the calligraphy and adding the seal.

6. 昌旺的解释

6. 告诉昌旺那两个看起来好极了,并且谢谢他。
    Tell Chang Wang that both looks nice, and thanks.

7. 昌旺在这方面做得相当好。
    Chang Wang is pretty good in doing this kind of things.

8. 告诉昌旺他写得很好。
    Tell Chang Wang that he wrote it well.

9. 昌旺还提供一个更好的敬行图档,因此它也一并附呈。
    Chang Wang also offered a better image file for Jing Xing, so it is also attached.

10. 只要能让身体获得健康、精神昌旺,能够达致这样的成果也不错。
    But after practice, my health gets well with full energy. These are good results I enjoy.

11. 感谢弟子昌旺提供我们更清晰的图档且档案也不会太大。
      Thanks to disciple Chang Wang for providing us with a clear image file that is not too large in file size.

12. 911查询·英语单词

12. 上主使他的百姓昌旺,比他们的仇敌便强壮。
      God greatly increased his people, made them too many for their foes.

13. 昌旺在线翻译

13. 弟子昌旺请我手书〈长远〉一文;两个档案已附呈。
      Disciple Chang Wang had requested that I wrote Chang Yuan into calligraphy; two files attached.