

明眸善睐[míng móu shàn lài]

词典the fond gazing of a beauty明眸善睐。


词典shining eyes and attractive looks明眸善睐。

词典the enticing glances of a beauty明眸善睐。


词典clear eyes with a winning look明眸善睐。

明眸善睐 汉英大词典

明眸善睐[míng móu shàn lài]


(形容美女顾盼生姿) the fond gazing of a beauty; shining eyes and attractive looks; the enticing glances of a beauty; clear eyes with a winning look

明眸善睐 网络解释

1. mmsl:大谬不然 dmbr | 明眸善睐 mmsl | 缘木求鱼 ymqy

2. danci.911cha.com

2. bnfcytfa:bnfcjbly 明眸皓齿 | bnfcytfa 明眸善睐 | bnff 明目

明眸善睐 双语例句

1. 我若能挹你以为眼,我将赠给那善歌的盲妹;她必明眸善睐了。
    If I could make a pair of eyes out of you, I would give them to that blind girl who loves singing, so that she could have bright eyes and perfect eyesight.

2. 狄克桑,年方三十,待字闺阁,语笑嫣然,发色如栗,明眸善睐。悍,,,,,我不知道最后说的是自己的肤色还是眼睛的颜色。。。。我等
    Dickinson was a spinster of thirty-one, birdlike in habit and appearance, with fine chestnut hair and abnormally wide-set eyes, whose color she compared to sherry.