

昏昏沉沉[hūn hūn chén chén]

词典have dizzy spells昏昏沉沉。


词典dizzy and sleepy昏昏沉沉。

词典One's mind is in a whirl.昏昏沉沉。

昏昏沉沉 汉英大词典

昏昏沉沉[hūn hūn chén chén]


have dizzy spells; dizzy and sleepy; One's mind is in a whirl.

昏昏沉沉 网络解释

1. in a daze:for oral administration内服(药) | in a daze昏昏沉沉 | local folk prescription民间药方,偏方

2. High:Oh Billy. 哦,彼里 | High: <<昏昏沉沉>> | Beautiful dawn - lights up the shore for me美丽的晨曦照亮了海滨

3. cacainin:caca 云云 | cacainin 昏昏沉沉 | cacayyfj 昏昏欲睡

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. be out of it:13 lay out cold[口]打昏; 使昏倒 | 14 be out of it迷迷糊糊; 昏昏沉沉; 闷闷不乐; 心不在焉 | 15 over and down with彻底结束