

Easy to move;
易迁 双语例句

1. 易迁的解释

1. 乘着易迁之风,一团黑云自北方的天际压来。
    From northern skies a cloud approaches, aloft upon the winds of change.

2. 易迁的解释

2. 易迁「你想这书上的话都是真理吗?
    Pliable: Do you think the words of the Book are true.

3. 但易迁回答「不要取笑他吧,基督徒是一个好人,倘若他说的话是真的,我想我要和他同去。
    If what he say is true, I think! Shall go with him."What! More fools still?

4. 易迁的翻译

4. 易迁:倘若我们有这么糟糕的开头,谁知道在我们旅程到达之前,还会有什么危险呢?
    Pliable:If we have had such a bad beginning, who knows what dangers we shall run into before the joumey is over?