1. 昨朝什么意思
1. 昨朝我一人在松林里徘徊,在一株老松树下戏筑了一座砂丘。
Yesterday while wandering around alone in the pinewood, I piled up a sand hill for fun.
2. 可是昨朝的蔷薇而今安在?
Yes, but where leaves the Rose of Yesterday?
3. 昨朝我一人在松林里徘徊,在一株老松树下戏筑了一座砂丘。
Yesterday morning, while wandering about alone in a pine forest, I amused myself by piling up a small sand hill under an old pine tree.
4. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD
4. 墓 郭沫若昨朝我一个人在松林里徘徊,在一株老松树下戏筑了一座砂丘(1)。
The Grave Guo Moruo Yesterday morning, while wandering about alone in a pine forest, I amused myself by piling up a small sand-hill under an old pine tree.
5. 掩盖 回头望见松原里的一座孤寂的火葬场火葬场红砖砌成的高耸的烟囱上,冒出了一笔灰白色的飘忽的青烟昨朝我一个人在松林里徘徊,在一颗老松树下戏筑了一座沙丘/我说,这便是我自己的坟墓了我便见了一块石头来写上了我自己的名字,把来做了墓碑墓碑我们伟大的祖国是有写短文的文学传统的。
Crematorium Its towering red-brick chimney was giving off wisps of grayish smoke.