


词典look pregnant显怀。

显怀 双语例句

1. 显怀什么意思

1. 但是如果怀的是双胞胎或者多胞胎的话,可能会早些显怀
    However, if pregnant or is a multiple birth of twins, it may be significant HUAI earlier.

2. 我也是很瘦的,一直觉得之前肚子不显怀,五个月的时候开始大很快了。
    I am also very thin, and have always felt that no significant pregnant belly before, five months when a large very quickly.

3. 显怀的翻译

3. 因人而异的,我是5个月才开始显怀的,但我同事,他就是2个月就看出来怀孕了,因为他以前就比较瘦,还比较注意体型,结果怀孕后,什么都放弃了,也不收复了,还开始加营养了,宝宝长的很快,他也很容易就显怀了。
    Varies from person to person, and I was 5 months pregnant before the beginning of a significant, but my colleague, he was 2 months pregnant on the look out because he had more lean, but also pay attention to the size comparison, the outcome of pregnancy, what are to give up, nor recovered, but also began to increase nutrition, the child quickly, he is also very easy to significantly pregnant.

4. DD前期就大,显怀早是女,肚子前期不大,后期大,显怀晚是男
    DD early on, and significant early pregnant women, pre-hungry little late, and is significantly later than men and pregnant

5. 显怀的翻译

5. 现在3个月加几天,肚子好大呀?看到姐妹们都在担心肚子小了,我却担心肚子大了,我这3个月长了4斤,上周都看不出来,这周肚子就大很多,会不会是我个子比较小所以很显怀呢,别人都说看得出我怀孕了,我根本还没穿孕妇装呢?
    See sisters are worried about the small stomach, and I are worried that a big belly, my 3 months long by 4 kg, could not have come out last week, this week on the much larger stomach will I will not be tall so it is significantly smaller then pregnant, others know that I am pregnant, I do not do maternity wear?