

晓以利害[xiǎo yǐ lì hài]

词典warn sb. of the consequences晓以利害。

晓以利害 汉英大词典

晓以利害[xiǎo yǐ lì hài]


warn sb. of the consequences

晓以利害 双语例句

1. 晓以利害的翻译

1. 那百万富翁对他挥霍无度的侄儿晓以利害,并暗示其继承权可能被剥夺。
    The millionaire talked cold turkey to his extravagant nephew, hinting that he might be disinherit ed.

2. 那百万富翁对他挥霍无度的侄儿晓以利害,并暗示其继承权可能被剥夺。
    The millionaire talked cold turkey to his extravagant nephew, hinting that he might be disinherited.

3. 晓以利害的翻译

3. 近期以来,中方多次向法方晓以利害,要求法方能以中法、中欧关系大局为重,妥善处理涉藏问题,为中法、中欧关系正常发展创造必要的气氛和条件。遗憾的是,法国领导人在涉及中国核心利益的重大问题上一意孤行,对中法双边关系造成严重损害。出现这一局面,是中方不愿看到的,相信也是广大致力于中法、中欧友好事业的各界人士所不愿看到的。法方应为此承担全部责任。
    China has warned France lately on many occasions of the possible consequences, urging the French side to proceed from the overall interest of the Sino-French and Sino-EU relations, properly handle the Tibet-related issues so as to create essential atmosphere and conditions for the normal development of the China-France and China-EU relations.