

晕头转向[yūn tóu zhuàn xiàng]


词典confused and disoriented晕头转向。

词典be hoodwinked by flattery晕头转向;不知所以。

词典be in a regular tizzy晕头转向。


词典be struck all of a heap(非正式)惊慌的,极度不安的;晕头转向;六神无主;慌作一团。

晕头转向 汉英大词典

晕头转向[yūn tóu zhuàn xiàng]


confused and disoriented; be hoodwinked by flattery; be in a regular tizzy; be struck all of a heap; feel dizzy and giddy; not to know if [whether] one is standing on one's head or one's heels:

  例:他们接二连三地向她发问, 确实把她搞得有点晕头转向

    They had asked her one question after another, and indeed had knocked her senseless.

晕头转向 网络解释

1. all at sea:To clear the decks 准备战斗 | all at sea 晕头转向 | plain sailing 一帆风顺

2. 晕头转向在线翻译

2. punch-drunk:143.摇晃(被击中后):stagger | 144.晕头转向:punch-drunk | 145.昏迷:unconscious

3. vertigo:vertigo 晕头转向 | vertijet 垂直起落喷气式飞机 | vertimeter 上升速度计

4. Traffic:6. Girlfriend女朋友 | 7. Traffic暈頭轉向 | 8. Voice On The Radio電台情人