1. 根据以上理论,采用FORTRAN语言和MatLab晤言编制并凋试通过6000余行微机计算程序,可分别进行板、梁、交叉梁系和加筋板结构的振动计算,并绘制相应的振型图;
According to the above theories, the author composed and debugged more than 6000 lines computational programs in FORTRAN and MATLAB. It can be used to calculate the free vibration of plate, beam, grillages or stiffened plate structure respectively and plot the corresponding mode shapes.
2. 1985年,韩礼德首次提出语法隐喻,并根据晤言的元功能将语法隐喻分为慨念隐喻和人际隐喻。
According to the three metafunctions of language, Halliday initially classified grammatical metaphor into two types: ideational metaphor and interpersonal metaphor.