




普洛耶什蒂 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 至1941年底,他们总共成功击落115架敌机。1941年6月至7月间,普洛耶什蒂、布加勒斯特、康斯坦察港和多瑙河上的桥梁成为苏联飞机攻击的主要目标。
    By the end of 1941 they succeeded in shooting down 115 enemy aircraft. Between June and July 1941, Ploesti, Bucharest, the Constanta harbour and the bridges over the Danube were main targets of the Soviet air offensive.

2. 穆斯林协会成员正计划一次到布加勒斯特附近的普洛耶什蒂市的特殊旅行,以此帮助无能为力的新穆斯林。
    Members of the Muslim Association are planning a special trip to the city of Ploiesti near Bucharest to help a new Muslim with disabilities.

3. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

3. 第52中队用来海岸防御,第53中队则作为混编德国-罗马尼亚大队,第4战斗机联队第1大队(I/JG 4),用于防卫普洛耶什蒂的油田和精炼场。
    The 52nd Squadron (IAR-80Cs and later Bf-109Es) was assigned to coastal defense, while the 53rd (Bf-109G) was part of the mixed German-Romanian group (I/JG 4), which was defending the oil fields and refineries at Ploesti.