



暖阁 双语例句

1. 徐伯郊儒藏它们的西暖阁命名为三。。。
    Hsu says that rural confucianism West Snappers named their three...

2. 暖阁在线翻译

2. 这木料如今在纽约一位富豪的客厅里制成了一个小小的暖阁,成为客厅中的尊贵之地。
    It was made into a cabinet, and has today a place of honor in the drawing-room of a wealthy New York family.

3. 在清朝,洞房一般设在坤宁宫的东暖阁,墙壁都是用红漆及银殊桐油髹饰的。
    After throwing the notes, she knocked the car's window to tell him that he has dropped some money.

4. 有几个相机,我可以全心全意地建议两国新手'暖阁'和经验丰富的摄影师,但H1的是稀有的野兽;'紧凑'相机,处理和控制接近1数码单镜反光相机,但一-即使是在经验不足的双手-可以留在'白痴-证明'的模式和值得信赖的生产货物的时间和一次又一次。
    There are few cameras I can wholeheartedly recommend to both novice `snappers` and experienced photographers, but the H1 is that rarest of beasts; a `compact` camera with handling and control close to a DSLR, yet one that - even in inexperienced hands - can be left in `idiot-proof` mode and trusted to produce the goods time and time again.

5. 坤宁宫在明朝时是皇后的寝宫,又叫中宫,顺治年间仿照沈阳清宁宫重建,同时将西暖阁改为祭神的场所,经常在此举行朝祭、夕祭、春秋大祭等;东暖阁则作为皇帝新婚的洞房,清朝的顺治、康熙、同治、光绪四帝都在此举行过大婚。
    Kunning Gong in the Ming Dynasty when the Queen's palace, also known as China Palace, Junji years, modeled on the Shenyang palace reconstruction Ning-ching, while the West will be changed to Snappers ritual places, often in the festival held in North Korea, Xi Festival, the Spring and Autumn Festival, and so on; Snappers East as the emperor's wedding bridal chamber, Junji of the Qing Dynasty, Kangxi, Tongzhi, Guangxu four in the Royal Park held the wedding.

6. 暖阁已在民国时期改建礼堂时拆除,总统府礼堂西门即为暖阁遗址所在地。
    The pavilion was removed when the Assembly Hall of the National Government was built, and the west door of the Hall is on the site of it.

7. 暖阁的反义词

7. 天宫日暖阁门开。
    Tien-kung Sun warm, pagoda door open;