



曾纪泽 双语例句

1. 曾纪泽的近义词

1. 在文学领域,曾纪泽虽然没有其父曾国藩的影响大,但其书法等方面的突出才能也不能不使人赞叹不已。
    Though he was not so excellent as his father Zeng Guofan, in the area of literature. His talent in is calligraphy and so on should be praised highly.

2. 在不平凡的一生中,曾纪泽形成了自己的一套外交观、洋务观和文化观,从而构成了其较为复杂的思想体系。
    In his whole life, he formed his own viewpoints of diplomacy, westernization and culture.

3. 战前中法越南交涉与曾纪泽的政策效应
    Sino-French Prewar Negotiations on Vietnam Issues and Tseng Chi-tse's Policy Effect

4. 论曾纪泽的外交思想及实践
    On Zeng Ji-ze's Diplomatic Thought and Practice

5. 曾纪泽是什么意思

5. 赫德插手中法谈判、中英谈判、排斥中国外交官,引起曾纪泽的不满,以致频频将赫德不愿公开的信息透露给报界。
    Being involved in Sino-Britain and Sino-France negotiations and excluding Chinese diplomats, Hart caused discontentment from Zeng Jize.

6. 曾纪泽的近义词

6. 曾纪泽是我国近代著名的爱国外交家。
    Zeng Ji ze was the famous patriotic diplomat in Chinese modern history.