

月下老人[yuè xià lǎo rén]



词典act [serve] as a go-between in marriage


词典the old man found in moonlight in charge of making matches by tying a red thread on boys and girls

词典the old man under the moon -- the god who unites persons in marriage

月下老人 汉英大词典

月下老人[yuè xià lǎo rén]

act [serve] as a go-between in marriage; the old man found in moonlight in charge of making matches by tying a red thread on boys and girls; the old man under the moon -- the god who unites persons in marriage; matchmaker

月下老人 网络解释

1. Moon under old man:33. no thank you不用谢 | 34. Moon under old man 月下老人 | 35. I will give you some color to see see. 我要给你点颜色看看

2. danci.911cha.com

2. Yue Lao:9300002 Di Zang Wang五嗔法师 | 9300003 Yue Lao月下老人 | 9300004 Wu Yuan法海师傅

3. 月下老人的解释

3. The old man in the moonlight:江郎才尽 Mr. Jiang has exhausted his talents | 月下老人 The old man in the moonlight | 阮囊羞涩 Mr. Ruan's bag feels ashamed

4. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

4. match-maker:matatabiol 木天蓼醇 | match-maker 月下老人 | matchboard 假型板

月下老人 双语例句

1. 現今社會,越來越多晚婚族,因此,向「月下老人」求姻緣,就成了單身族群熱衷的一件事。
    As more people are marrying late in society nowadays, singles have become more enthusiastic about praying for good marriages from the Matchmaker.

2. 我们大家都站起来,向月下老人敬酒,并纷纷称赞他亲手做的这几道好菜。
    We all stood up to toast the match-maker and praised the excellent meal he had prepared for us.

3. 月下老人什么意思

3. 我十分高兴能作个月下老人把你们这两个年轻人撮合到了一块儿。
    I'm so glad to have been the means of bringing you two young people together.

4. 彼得扮演提姆和我的月下老人,安排我们在舞会上见面。
    Peter played cupid for Tim and me, by arranging for us to meet at a party.

5. 在情人节那天,恋爱中的人喜欢到月下老人庙,祈求保佑他们的爱情和可能的婚姻。
    On that day, people in love like to go to the temple of Matchmaker and pray for their love and the possible marriage.

6. 月下老人

6. 塑像,许多情侣会到岛上祈求月下老人赐给他们美好的姻缘。
    The middle of it with a sculpture of a matchmaker. for a good fate for their love.

7. 这个于月下倚布囊、坐于阶上、向月检书的老人,就是后来在民间被奉为婚姻之神的月下老人
    In the next month, sit on cloth in order to monthly inspection, the old book, then in folk is regarded as the god of marriage YueXiaLaoRen.

8. 月下老人(就是笔者)祝福他们白头偕老生活幸福!
    Matchmaker (that I) wish them a long life together and a happy life!

9. 之后,仙人们这才想起婚姻是月下老人主管的,别人不能强求。
    After that, the boys just remembered that the marriage was been in the charge of God of Marriage, others couldn't impose.

10. 去年我和十万人一起游泳横渡日月潭。台湾日月潭月老祠的月下老人塑像。1999年9月大地震已毁。
    I swam across the Sun Moon Lake with one hundred thousand people last year. This matchmaker statue was unearthed in Taiwan. It was destroyed in the earthquake in September, 1999.

11. 日月潭周围的寺庙很多,例如水社附近的小土地公庙、耶稣堂、龙凤宫、月下老人庙,还有月潭旁的玄光寺、玄奘寺,还有最壮丽的文武庙,这些寺庙建筑更具特色、也都蕴含独特的文化背景,是日月潭重要的景点,相当值得一游。
      There is a considerable number of temple surrounded Sun Moon Lake, such as Earth God Temple, Church of Christ, Longfeng Temple, Yuexialaoren Temple (worshipped the god of marriage or a matchmaker), Syuanguang Temple, Syuanzhang Temple and Wenwu Temple. Each of these magnificent temple architectures has its own distinctive feature and unique cultural background. These important tourist attractions of Sun Moon Lake are definitely worth a visit.