

朕兆[zhèn zhào]





朕兆 汉英大词典

朕兆[zhèn zhào]

sign; omen; portent:


    signs of economic depression;


    There are signs for us to read.

朕兆 网络解释

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. symptom n:boon n.[古]请求,赐物; 恩惠; 福利, 方便,麻杆; 麻骨,羊毛皮夹杂的植物性杂质 | symptom n.症状; 表现; 征兆 , 征候; 朕兆 | pile on the agony v.渲染悲痛

朕兆 双语例句

1. 现在很难相信自然的秩序会滥示这样一些无意义的朕兆
    It is difficult to believe nowadays that the order of nature indulged in any such meaningless comments.

2. 有朕兆可寻。
    There are signs for us to read.

3. 朕兆是什么意思

3. 愿这梦应验在仇恨你的人身上,愿这梦的朕兆应验在你的敌人身上!
    Baltassar answered, and said: My lord, the dream be to them that hate thee, and the interpretation thereof to thy enemies.

4. 那是出现麻烦的第一个朕兆,一点蛛丝马迹而已,当事人更是尽量不事张扬。
    There was the first open sign of trouble, a very little one, and he made the least

5. 得到的经验:初始的卖家拖延是不良网际网路交易结果的朕兆
    Experience learned: A beginning seller's delay forebodes the bad result of an internet transaction.

6. 朕兆

6. 这一天既无预感又无朕兆,成了我大劫难逃的死日,简直难以置信。
    It seemed incredible that this day, a day without warnings or omens, might be that of my implacable death.

7. 天空黑云密布有下雨的朕兆
    There was a threat of rain in the dark sky.

8. 他也深信,他之所以变声音不是因为别的而仅仅是重感冒的朕兆,这是旅行推销员的职业病。
    He did not have the slightest doubt that the change in his voice was nothing more than the first sign of a serious cold, which was an occupational hazard for travelling salesmen.

9. MCI患者还没有表现出痴呆的特征,但是该疾病是AD的朕兆,根据Drzezga医生的说法,只需要数年就可能发展成该病。
    Patients with MCI do not yet display the characteristics for the diagnosis of dementia, but the disorder is seen as a precursor to AD, which can take years to develop in an individual, according to Dr. Drzezga.