

望穿秋水[wàng chuān qiū shuǐ]

词典gaze with eager expectation望穿秋水。


词典be longing to have someone back望穿秋水。


词典gaze anxiously till one's eyes are worn out望穿秋水。

词典look forward with impatient expectancy盼星星盼月亮;望穿秋水。

望穿秋水 汉英大词典

望穿秋水[wàng chuān qiū shuǐ]


gaze with eager expectation; be longing to have someone back; gaze anxiously till one's eyes are worn out; look forward with impatient expectancy; strain one's eyes by gazing; bore through with both eyes by gazing; (She's) worn out (her) eyes watching for

望穿秋水 网络解释

1. look through autumn water:86. 王八蛋:wang eight eggs | 87. 望穿秋水:look through autumn water | 88. 王老五:wang old five

2. await with great anxiety:lack of perseverance 三天打鱼,两天晒网 | await with great anxiety 望穿秋水 | make a little contribution 添砖加瓦

3. Wang chuan qiu shui:瓜熟蒂落 Gua Shou Di Lou (1983) | 望穿秋水 Wang chuan qiu shui (1983) | 巧哥儿 Qiao Geer (1983)

4. (041)Look trough autumn warter:(040)Long time no see. (好久不见. ) | (041)Look trough autumn warter!(望穿秋水. ) | (043)Morning three night four(朝三暮四)

望穿秋水 双语例句

1. 可是,望穿秋水我却望不到你的身影。
    But awaiting with great expectation, i still can not see you

2. 你真是令人望穿秋水
    Aren`t you a sight for sore eyes.

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. 她知道另一粒砂一定会在海底做永远的等待,望穿秋水
    She believed that he was determinedly waiting for her at where they met.

4. 望穿秋水的意思

4. 它们不会让你在短时间内痛不欲生,但也绝不会让你的毕生带来那望穿秋水的惊喜!
    They will not let you you'd rather die in a short time, but never let your life to bring that long-awaited surprise!

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. 你真是令人望穿秋水
    Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. 总之老战友能续约归队真是太棒了,我所望穿秋水的就是等候春训的到来和全力以赴。
    We're going to have a really great chance to win this season.

7. 望穿秋水的解释

7. 无需等待。她自己要来的时候便会悄然的来,因此你不必对缘份翘首以待,望穿秋水,只要用心去感觉她,便是一种快乐了。
    DO not need to be wait for.

8. 只是驻足,回首,我多想望穿秋水,却只能让汹涌的浪潮慢慢将我淹埋。
    Just stop, look back, I think Wangchuanqiushui, but only allow the raging tide slowly I will Yanmai.

9. 那些婉约的唐诗宋词中,是否有关于我的印记,那些绿肥红瘦望穿秋水秦砖汉瓦春归燕字人比黄花瘦里,你永远是我敞开的笔端之初。
    In these composed Tang poem Song jambic verse, whether to have about mine mark, these green manure red eagerly awaited thinly in the baked clay bricks and tiles spring turns over to Yan Ziren to be thinner than the Chrysanthemum, you forever are at the beginning of the conception in painting which I open wide.

10. 四、不要再以儿、孙为生活重心,寻找自己的园地,才不致天天望穿秋水
    Don't regard children and grandchildren as a center of life, look for personal social circles

11. 望穿秋水

11. 而我们象深宫里的怨妇,望穿秋水,等一次临幸。
      We are a freight forwarding company in China.

12. 望穿秋水

12. 瑟瑟吹过的风伴着那潇潇撒过的雨,是谁在那夜色故听独奏一曲邀明月,凄凄柔柔的光打在这泛黄旧旧的窗,是谁在那秋叶落尽共你一起看繁华,红红身影的妆印在这轻轻柔柔的你,谁人在望穿秋水徒留一缕白月光,数不尽风花雪月对酒当歌,举杯邀明月。
      Howling winds blowing with the rustling of rain, and in the night is who is listening to a solo QiQi soft light on the yellow old old window, who is in the autumn of you all look lively, red figure in the makeup that gently, who in white you leave a wisp of disappointment and white moonlight, countless moon, toast to invite the moon.

13. 牵挂是夜夜珠泪枕上落的悲;牵挂是停杯投箸不能食的蠢;牵挂是冷雨敲窗不成眠的呆;牵挂是菱花镜里形容瘦的痴;牵挂是望穿秋水不思归的愚;牵挂是是衣带渐宽终不悔的傻。
      Concerned about is the sad and down pillow each night, Zhu Lei; concerned about is not eating chopsticks Tingbei stupid to vote; concerned about is the cold rain Qiaochuang the stay does not sleep; concerned about is the description by thin mirror Ryoka crazy; concerned about is the long-awaited do not think of returning home to Yu; concerned about Yes gradual wide belt she does not regret the end of the silly.

14. 四、不要再以儿、孙为生活中心,寻找自己的园地,才不致于每天望穿秋水
      Don't regard children and grandchildren as a center of life, look for personal social circles, so to avoid drapping yourself in the dilemma of anxious expectation and disappointment daily

15. 四、不要再以儿、孙为生活中心,寻找自己的园地,才不致于每天望穿秋水
      Don'tregard children and grandchildren as a center of life, look forpersonal social circles, so to avoid drapping yourself in the dilemmaof anxious expectation and disappointment daily

16. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

16. 爱是踏破红尘望穿秋水;爱是一生一世冥冥轮回;爱(),我不问理由。
      Love is long-awaited Red Dust walks; love is the whole life cycle of jis; Love () you, I have no questions asked.

17. 望穿秋水,还想和你在星巴克聊天。
      Look through autum water, I wish to chat with you in Starbuck again.

18. 望穿秋水的反义词

18. 事实上,很多人对这张专辑真可谓望穿秋水,一如像其等待U2的其他各张专辑那样。
      A lot of people have been waiting a long time for this album as they do with every U2 album.