





朱雀门 双语例句

1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. 朱雀门的园林由日本TAM设计大师秋山宽领衔担纲,道法自然,以中国独有的四合院式围合为设计主题,围绕分布在社区内的5棵参天古树展开,利用社区内自然形成的坡地,大量种植各种名贵珍稀的植物,而且充分考虑光影效果,使整个社区生意盎然,而不失庄重。
    Rosefinch doors by the Japanese Iris garden design master head wide-led to assume the task of investigating, nature, unique to China quadrangles Wai-style theme for the design, distribution in the communities around the five trees towering old trees started using natural communities formed slope, a large number of luxurious planting rare plants, and fully into light effects, business scene in the entire community, and solemn dignity.

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. 目前,几乎没有认真对北京房地产市场,就会发现朱雀门,易郡,清华坊,芙蓉镇,中国人民和庄,香山甲第,乐府江南中还提出了建设中的花园横幅或房地产。
    At present, a little careful about Beijing property market, will find Suzaku Gate, easy-gun, Tsinghua University Square, Seremban town, the Chinese people, and Zhuang, 甲第Xiangshan, 乐府江南also raised Chinese construction Chinese garden banner or real estate.

3. 如果大家对于朱雀门感兴趣的话,欢迎在这里与我共同探讨交流。
    If you interested in rosefinch door, and I welcome here to explore exchanges.

4. 朱雀门在线翻译

4. 南京在历史上曾经十一次定都,六朝时代,夫子庙地区已相当繁华,乌衣巷、朱雀街、桃叶渡等处,都是当时高门大族所居。
    Wuyixiang, Zhuquejie, Taoyedu are the inhabitation area of high officials_and_wealthy merchants in history.

5. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

5. 一个是它的售楼处,就是大家看到朱雀门的销售中心,第二个是样板楼,第三个是样板园林,第四个是样板间。
    It is one of the sales offices that we see rosefinch door sales center, and the second model, and the third is the model garden, the fourth is a model.

6. 朱雀门是什么意思

6. 在社区整体规划上,朱雀门充分考虑了项目左临先农坛,右瞰陶然亭的特点,将最为尊贵的面积在500平米以上的6套顶级别墅安排在相邻先农坛的位置,社区中间为四层半、六层的低层板楼,在临太平街的一侧,是八层的板楼,居高临下,尽揽陶然亭的秀美风光,同时也成围合式,将噪音和喧哗隔离在社区外面。
    Planning in the community as a whole, rosefinch doors fully into the project left the Xiannongtan, right glance Yaoranting features will be the most distinguished in the area of 500 square metres or more sets of six top villa at the location adjacent Xiannongtan community for four and a half middle and the lower layers Banlou, in the side of the Plaza is the Banlou 55-57, occupy a commanding position and do just Yaoranting the beautiful scenery, but also into Weiheshi, noise and noise isolation in the community outside.

7. 朱雀门的解释

7. 各位网友大家好,我是王树明,很高兴在这里为大家推荐我们的新盘朱雀门项目。
    You all good users, I Wangshuming, we are pleased to recommend here for our new site rosefinch doors.