朴直[pǔ zhí]
honest and straightforward; simple and honest:
simple and straightforward writing
1. 她已经不向丈夫说些从前那样可怕的话,她带着好奇的神态朴直地快活地望着他。
She did not say those terrible words to him; she looked curiously and merrily at him.
2. 朴直
2. 对抗自然灾害之有效的抵抗力被朴直地表现在建筑上,强而有力毫不矫情
Effective against natural disaster, the resistance was now building up the surface primitive.
3. 朴直的翻译
3. 正是BEYOND那些最朴直、最平凡的歌打动我,而这些歌来自于对乐队的记忆,来自与关于情感与音乐,以及BEYOND自身被受发现的记忆。
The right songs from Beyond routinely reduce me to tears, in memory of the band, their emotion and music, and the memory of myself discovering Beyond.
4. 他审美的基点是朴质纯情的乡土气息,以朴质的语言,生动地再现了不同历史时期农村丰富的斗争生活,他倾心于美好,崇尚纯洁朴直,真切地关注时代和现实,在忠实于真实的同时,又用浪漫诗情致力于表现美的极致,给小说带来诗意的抒情和浪漫的气息,写出了他所期望的美好的事物,使美和感情得到升华。
The basic point of his appreciation of the beauty is of simple and honest local flavor. He uses simple words to reproduce the colorful struggling-life in the village at different times. He admires fine things and upholds the simple and honest, and pays close attention to the times and reality. He is faithful to the truth.
5. 而小菲出身小市民,简单、朴直、粗糙,没有欧阳萸所期望的含蓄、成熟和同样的优雅高贵。
Xiao-Fei origin and ordinary, simple, 朴直, rough, Ouyang Yu did not expect subtle, mature and the same noble elegance.
6. 朴直什么意思
6. 这么朴直的道理,像阳春面。
Such simple principles, like the * noodle.