




机杼 双语例句

1. 机杼

1. 天佑孝子,其垂钓散文,自出机杼,文成一家,却不录为双亲垂竿尽心初衷。
    God Save the dutiful son, his fishing essays, from the loom, into a text, but not recorded for the parent vertical pole dedication mind.

2. 机杼是什么意思

2. 以他为代表的蕺山学派,在承继理学和心学伦理思想先绪的基础上,感时而变,独出机杼,自成一体,在伦理思想领域卓有建树。
    The school of JiShanwith Liu Zongzhou as the core, on the basis of inheriting of ethicalideas of neo-Confucianism and Wang Yangming's Doctrine, evolvedwith age, established an unique system, and made great achievements inthe fields of ethics thoughts.

3. 一、在包装上利用古板艺术的地区成不分每个地区都有其边际特色,如安徽的宣纸与不朱、砚;山东潍坊的风筝;姑苏的苏绣、檀香扇;壮族的绣球;贵州蜡染与木雕面具等等,都是可以表现地区特色的素材,如安徽的矮炉家酒,整套包装利用徽雕、徽派建造等元素,不兵安徽特别的古板艺术品格精巧融入包装安排洋,局部清雅,繁冗,别不入机杼
    In the application of traditional art on the packaging of regional factors each region has its own local characteristics, such as the xuanzhi and monlchamus in Anhui Province, inkslab; -flying weigfang; Shandong province of Suzhou in Suzhou embroidery, sandalwood; zhuangs; dyeinga of balls and carved wooden masks, Guizhou, and so on, can be embodied the material of regional characteristics, such as the home of the blast furnace in Anhui Province, the complete set of packaging use emblem, such elements as the style building, Anhui unique artistic style of muttimedia to integrate into the overall packaging design and graceful, concise, and a unique style.

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4. 用丝绳锁不入的不攒脚历久耐用、好看别致、别出机杼,可与金口、不攒口的册不梢相不败婚。
    Using the HighWire lock out of the flower head is durable, beautiful novel, Indy can also be jinkou, miconioides of books to match.

5. 艺无止境。堵住《境况艺术陈视野丛书》的装帧安排,我深切不天感受到,给在装帧步不天和安排措辞上冲破陈规,具有创意,务必更陈装帧认识,分歧其他姊妹艺术的表示步不天,才能使安排不致陡庸,具有不入陈、不入了得、不同凡响、别出机杼的艺术成果。
    The adoption of the new vision of environmental art books and layout design, I realize that you want to layout and design of the language is therefore to enable breakthrough, creative, you must update the bindings of the consciousness of the art, which integrates other sisters, for the design of our workers will not have a blandappearance, Singapore、Malaysia、Japan all their own, different, spectacular artistic effects.

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6. 纤纤摸素手,札札弄机杼
    Qian Qian touch-hand, up-Zhazha Zhu....

7. 然而卢卡斯对这家小公司的期待只是为卢卡斯影业的电影中增添些眼花缭乱的特效,而不是自出机杼且价格不菲的电脑动画。1985年,皮克斯公司的财政陷入了困境,几乎被通用汽车和菲利浦电子收购。
    But all Mr Lucas really wanted was for the little company to make whizzy special effects for Lucasfilm`s movies, not expensive computer-animated films of its own.

8. 机杼什么意思

8. 他对于一些传统的修辞范畴进行自出机杼的解释,比如说,讽喻、反讽、象征等,并创立盲点修辞观。
    Introduction makes a brief analysis on the rhetorical functions as the art of expression and persuasion and as the nature of language in light of and sketchy retrospection of the rhetorical tradition.

9. 机杼的解释

9. 文章认为,杨万里之所以能走出江西藩篱,独创诚斋体,是与他对缘情言志的传统诗学理论的自觉回归,及其在诗歌艺术实践上的遍参诸家,取人所长并自出机杼有关的。
    The paper holds that the creation of " Yang's Style " resulted from his recrudesce to traditional poetry theory and his extraction from others'in poetry practice and theory.

10. 此外,画家们在表现对象上也不局限于传统的花鸟画题材,深入生活描绘了很多乡土化、生活化的内容,画作呈现出的是自出机杼的创新精神,无法为至法的艺术境界。
    The painters are not confined to the traditional bird-and-flower painting, and also deep into the lives depicted in a lot of local life of paintings showing the innovative spirit of the loom, with the art of realm namely " No tricks to tricks ".

11. 机杼

11. 孟母向人借了一架机杼,靠织布维持生计。
      C. Meng's mother borrowed a loom and began to weave for a living.

12. 机杼

12. 这一倒叙式机杼并非如通常所认为的是独创,而有着文学史渊源。
      This narration mode of flashback is not an original creation people usually think but has its historical origins of Literature.

13. 我也说:对的,是北风,但他的机杼是可羞的,那使筋肌软弱的是他的线缕。
      But shame was his loom, and the softening of the sinews was his thread.

14. 机杼的解释

14. 一个地区若流行刺绣,家家刺绣,再普通的女人没有不能的;一个地区普遍织锦,家家机杼,再迟钝的女人也没有不巧的。
      If embroidery is popular in an area, every family embroiders, and any Ordinary woman will be good at embroidery.

15. 机杼什么意思

15. 但是,从造纸、会员卡制息后、制卡和会员卡制息到末了的会员卡制息后加工合座工序来看,只有答用古板的板滞和靠得住的技艺,制卡和会员卡制息企业才能制卡和会员卡制息不入别不入机杼的字号来排斥不入产者的注意力。
      However, paper making, membership card before, cards and membership cards to make the final membership card after processing the entire operation, only the application of modern mechanical and reliable technology, Business card printing and membership card making enterprise business card printing and membership card produce unique trademark to attract consumers'attention.

16. 你们不能把至公与不公,至善与不善分开;因为他们一齐站在太阳面前,如同织在一起的黑线和白线,黑线断了的时候,织工就要视察整块的布,也要察看那机杼
      And when the black thread breaks, the weaver shall look into the whole cloth, and he shall examine the loom also.

17. 遵循篆商而通,隶欲精而密,行必开与合的法则;不泥古不媒俗,而目出机杼,形成凛之以风神,温之而研润,鼓之以枯劲,和之以闲散的大家风范。
      And to follow-Zhuan, of which belong to fine, the trip will open with a rule; Nigu not the media do not vulgar, and head out for Zhu, to the formation of Lin Feng Shen Wen-run of the inquiry, the drum to dry strength, And the Members of the idle demeanor.

18. 《梦游女》是贝利尼创作风格由继承传统、模仿他人到独出机杼,散发独特魅力的成熟之作。
      And " La Sonnambula ", which is a charming and mature work of Bellini who inheriting the tradition, imitating others and forming her own unique style in the end.

19. 这在《古诗十七首》中又一次可以找到证据,其中有一首是这样的:迢迢牵牛星,皎皎河汉女;纤纤擢素手,札弄机杼;终日不成章,泣涕零如雨。
      It is described in one poem as follows:Eagerly pining the Cowherd, Brightly shining the Weaving Maid. Fine fingers working on the loom, All heard is lonely sound. Within one day no bolts made

20. 机杼的反义词

20. 此外,画家们在表现对象上也不局限于传统的花鸟画题材,深入生活描绘了很多乡土化、生活化的内容,画作呈现出的是自出机杼的创新精神,无法为至法的艺术境界。
      The painters are not confined to the traditional bird-and-flower painting, and also deep into the lives depicted in a lot of local life of paintings showing the innovative spirit of the loom, with the art of realm namely " No tricks to tricks ".