

机谋[jī móu]








机谋 汉英大词典

机谋[jī móu]

[书] (能迅速适应事物变化的计谋) stratagem; artifice; scheme

机谋 双语例句

1. 机谋才智,属我所有;聪明勇敢,亦属于我。
    Counsel and equity is mine, prudence is mine, strength is mine.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 或许卡洛纳也会回来,带有新的财政机谋
    Perhaps Calonne might return too, with fresh financial expedients.

3. 机谋

3. 本书的理想读者,是因日常事业而需与他人周旋应付者——他必须发现他人用心,赢得其好感与友谊,或反制其机谋及使他人意志一筹莫展。
    Ideal book reader, is that he must discover others intention needing contending with others dealing with person because of daily cause, winning whose favorable impression and friendship, or opposing makes whose scheme and makes others will be at a loss for an idea.

4. “我虽年小身弱,却是法术无边,口齿伶俐,机谋深远.此去管比他们偷的还巧呢.”科林应该能成为一名出色的推销员,他伶牙俐齿而且很毅力。
    " Young and weak as I am, I have wonderful magic powers and great eloquence and cunning. I swear to manage better than all the rest. " Colin should make a good salesman; he's got the gift of the gab and persistence.

5. 很多商家还乘机谋财,对前来拍照的市民收取过路费。
    Many businessmen also Moucai opportunity to take pictures of people who collect tolls.

6. 机谋在线翻译

6. “我虽年小身弱,却是法术无边,口齿伶俐,机谋深远.此去管比他们偷的还巧呢.”科林应该能成为一名出色的推销员,他伶牙俐齿而且很毅力。
    " Young and weak as I am, I have wonderful magic powers and great eloquence and cunning. I swear to manage better than all the rest. " Colin should make a good salesman; he's got the gift of the gab and persistence.