

李嵩 双语例句

1. 著名的画家更是不计其数,如擅长人物画的李公麟,风俗画的张择端、苏汉臣、李嵩,山水画的董源、巨然、李成、范宽、郭熙、米芾、米友仁、李唐、刘松年、马远、夏圭、赵佰驹、赵伯骕等,花鸟画的宋徽宗赵佶、黄居寀、赵昌、易元吉、李迪、林椿、法常等。
    Those noted artists included: figure painter Li gonglin; genre painters Zhang Zeduan, Su hanchen and Li Song; landscape painters Dong Yuan, Ju-ran, Li Cheng, Fan Kuan, Guo Xi, Mi Fu, Mi Youren, Li Tang, Liu Songnian, Ma Yuan, Xia Gui, Zhao Baiju and Zhao Bosu; flower-and-bird painters Zhao Ji, Huang Jucai, Zhao Chang, Yi Yuanji, Li Di, Lin Chun and Fa-chang.

2. 本文最后对一些具体图像加以解读,尝试从图画与当时具体社会情境之间的关系来重新认识李嵩的杰作。
    The article finally looks at the concrete details of the images presented in Li Song's masterpiece, in order to explain their actual relationship to the specific social context that gave rise to the work.

3. 《骷髅幻戏图》是南宋画家李嵩创作的风俗画中的一件传世作品,现藏北京故宫博物院。
    " Skeleton Puppets ", one of the famous genre paintings created by Li Song from the Southern Song Dynasty, which is now collected in the Beijing Palace Museum.

4. 《骷髅幻戏图》是南宋画家李嵩创作的风俗画中的一件传世作品,现藏北京故宫博物院。
    " Skeleton Puppets ", one of the famous genre paintings created by Li Song from the Southern Song Dynasty, which is now collected in the Beijing Palace Museum.