

村夫俗子[cūn fū sú zǐ]

词典uneducated persons村夫俗子。

村夫俗子 汉英大词典

村夫俗子[cūn fū sú zǐ]

uneducated persons

村夫俗子 双语例句

1. 村夫俗子的近义词

1. 没想到她竟然嫁给了一个村夫俗子
    It is so surprising that she married an uneducated and ordinary person.

2. 村夫俗子

2. 他仍旧坚守朴素的生活——不但那样,在许多方面,简直就是狂放简陋的生活,并且和村夫俗子们称兄道弟。
    He still cleaved to pla in liv in g—nay, wild and meager liv in g in many respects and brotherl in ess with clowns