

村姑[cūn gū]

词典village girl村姑。


词典farmer's daughter村姑。

村姑 汉英大词典

村姑[cūn gū]


village girl; farmer's daughter

村姑 网络解释

1. Valley Girl:开放的美国学府/Fast Time at Ridgement High(1982) | 村姑/Valley Girl(1983) | 斗鱼/Rumble Fish(1983)

村姑 双语例句

1. 村姑的翻译

1. 一个村姑尾上顶着一罐牛奶在路上行走。走着走着,她的脑子里浮现入一连串的幻想:我卖了这罐牛奶后,用这笔钱买鸡拜瑞尔癫泰蛋,这样我有的鸡蛋可以增加到300个。
    William Somerset Maugham 第七篇: The country Maid and Her Milk Can 村姑和牛奶罐 A country maid was walking along with a can of milk upon her head, when she fell into the following train of reflections.

2. 不把我比作牡丹,因为我没有她的富贵和娇丽;不把我比作丁香,因为我没有她的娇柔和磬香;好歹也把我比作一朵小小的茉莉吧,淡雅而散发着清香,就如一个毫不修饰,却散发着清新自然的羞涩的小村姑,也可以让我乐一乐。
    Not to me than to Peony, because I did not her wealth, and Jiao Li; not to me compared to cloves, because I did not chime of her delicate and fragrant; fitted me to compare a small jasmine bar, elegant and dissemination of the fragrance, as a not-modified, but it exudes fresh and natural shyness of the little country girls, but also allows me a happy happy.

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3. 今天,带着水罐来池塘汲水的村姑就曾和她天真地逗趣,看到过她的微笑,那赶着牛群去凫水的老人,也曾每天在她门首停下脚步,向她问候致意。
    The women who come to-day with their vessels to the water have all seen her smile over simple jests, and the old peasant, taking his bullocks to their bath, used to stop at her door every day to greet her.

4. 演出有水而起,我们约僧人一道坐禅,达摩的身影在禅境里出现,村姑浣女从唐诗里走来,菩提树的唱吟,空山雨后的喧闹,僧与俗的对话,一切都在溪流声中化成清凉禅意,流进我们心底
    Indulge in the meditation of zen around the brook and watch the water to drop through the stone The vision of Darmo appears in the meditation; and the village girls returned from washing walk out of Tang poems.

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5. 一个村姑头上顶着一罐牛奶在路上行走。
    A Country miad was walking along with a can of milk upon her head, when she fell into the following train of reflections.

6. 我喜欢这张很简单很象村姑的相片!
    I am the selfess love of!

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7. 其实这是一条平时很不起眼的小江,说她不起眼,因为她只是一条很短很短的小河,短得在中国地图上几乎找不到她的身影,她没有长江的滚滚波涛,没有黄河的冲天骇浪;说她不起眼,因为她只是很窄很窄的小河,窄得能让对岸痴情的男孩儿看到此岸的村姑浣衣的靓影,窄得能让此岸的游人听见对岸农家小院内的鸡啼,她缺少海河淮河汹涌澎湃的气势,缺少珠江钱塘江潮涨潮落的壮观。
    In fact, this is usually a very small inconspicuous River, said she was not attract much attention, because she is only a very short very short river, short, almost in the map of China can not find her figure, she did not have the rolling waves of the Yangtze River, Yellow River did not The Towering Inferno wave; that she not attract much attention, because she is only a very narrow stream of very narrow, narrow infatuated may allow the other side to see the boys on this side of the rural girls Liang Ying Laundry, too narrow on this side of the visitors can hear the other side cock farmers in small hospital of the calls, she lack of a strong surge of momentum Huaihe and Haihe River, the lack of tide of the Qiantang River tide off the spectacular.

8. 康士丹斯是个健康的村姑佯儿的女子,软软的褐色的头发,强壮的身体,迟缓的举止,但是富有非常的精力。
    Constance, his wife, was a ruddy, country- looking girl with soft brown hair and sturdy body, and slow movements, full of unusual energy.

9. 他以为我是村姑啊?
    He never think that I will do that.

10. 村姑

10. 一个村姑头上顶着一罐牛奶在路上行走。
    Walking along with a can of milk upon her head, when she fell into

11. 村姑的翻译

11. 一个村姑头上顶着一罐牛奶在路上行走。
      A country maid was walking along with a can of milk upon her head, when

12. 一个村姑头上顶着一罐牛奶在路上行走。
      A country maid was walking along with a can of milk upon her head

13. 村姑的意思

13. 一个村姑头上顶着一罐牛奶在路上行走。
      A country maid was walking along with a can of milk upon her head, when she

14. 一个村姑头上顶着一罐牛奶在路上行走。
      A country maid was walking along with a can of milk upon her head, when she fell

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15. 山上山下,村姑村媪,将黄黄的油菜花,白白的萝卜花及不知名的野花编织成花环、花冠出售,于是城里来的俊男靓女们头上、腕上便有山野春光环簇。
      Foot of the mountain, the village of Cungu old woman, yellow rape flowers, white radish flowers and unknown flowers woven into garlands, the Corolla for sale, then to the city`s handsome Called to the head, it is mountain spring wrist cluster ring.

16. 过客弯下腰去细察门左石脚上的一个圆涡,圆涡颇大,好象是个圆球体的模子。正在这时,那双合门扇开了,走出来一个村姑
      The wayfarer bent over and examined a rather large circular excavation, resembling the hollow of a sphere, in the stone on the left, at the foot of the pier of the door.

17. 村姑是什么意思

17. 因为她长得温柔,脸色红润而带村姑的风态,有着那易生色斑的嫩自的皮肤,大大的蓝眼睛,褐色卷发,温和的声音和微嫌坚强的腰部。
      Being a soft, ruddy, country-looking girl, incline d to freckles, with big blue eyes, and curling, brown hair, and a soft voice, and rather strong, female loins she was considered a little old-fashioned and `womanly'.

18. 因为她长得温柔,脸色红润而带村姑的风态,有着那易生色斑的嫩自的皮肤,大大的蓝眼睛,褐色卷发,温和的声音和微嫌坚强的腰部。
      Being a soft, ruddy, country-looking girl, inclined to freckles, with big blue eyes, and curling, brown hair, and a soft voice, and rather strong, female loins she was considered a little old-fashioned and `womanly'.

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19. 其中一段的主角是村夫与村姑
      At one point, there were villagers.

20. danci.911chaxun.com

20. 那,你有没有找到你的小村姑
      So, have you found yourself a village belle?