




束腹 网络解释

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1. corset:在这之间还有束腹(corset)时代,然束腹与内裤起源观念是两回事. 使用束腹的女人,即使使用束腹还是穿著内裤,束腹与内裤的目的是不一样的. 以日本来说,灯笼裤被现代形式内裤取代是在战后的事. 那是在什么时候以什么形式,

2. girdle; corset:束腰短大衣 belted topcoat; belted overcoat | 束腹 girdle; corset | 男女通用裝 unisex suit

3. girdle:軋棉 ginning | 束腹 girdle | 吉薩棉(埃及產) Gize cotton

束腹 双语例句

1. 束腹的意思

1. 鲸骨:用一块鲸骨或类似物做成的女用束腹的支撑物
    A piece of whalebone or similar material used as a corset stay.

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. 她过去有一个在侧面系带的束腹
    She used to have a corset that laced up at the side.

3. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

3. 我很小就开始穿着束腹,在这方面我的妈妈总是落在我后面。
    I began wearing girdles at a very young age and Mum was always after me about it.

4. 束腹什么意思

4. 眼下日本男人的腰围正呈日益增加之势,由此该国男用束腹产品的市场也在同步扩大。
    As Japanese waistlines expand, so is the market for girdles -- for men.

5. Thierry Mugler 设计的束腹收腰型粉色缎面婚纱,有着长而尖的衣领、低V字型领口线,很适合在教堂里举行婚礼时穿用。而Olivier Theysken大量运用缎带的裙装简直妙到语言无法形容。
    Thierry Mugler's corseted waistline, spiky collar and plunging neckline on pink satin are fine in church, while Olivier Theysken's fantastic outfit of giant ribbons goes beyond description.

6. 束腹在线翻译

6. 包里面你的东西:卫生纸、卫生巾、毛巾若干(生孩子后半夜很容易出虚汗,多备些干毛巾在枕边)、束腹带、吸奶器、防溢乳垫、卷筒纸/纸巾、小手电(晚上孩子哭不方便开灯,可以用来照明,方便照顾孩子
    Package inside your things: toilet paper, sanitary napkins, towels number (children easily the night虚汗, prepare more and more dry towel in the pillow), 束腹belt, breast pump, anti-galactorrhea pad, web/paper towels, small flashlight inconvenient to turn on the lights at night crying children, can be used to lighting, to take care of them children

7. danci.911cha.com

7. 女子比赛沿用男子比赛规则,但是,她们比赛时穿的衣服显得很笨重,长裙及地,盖住双腿,衬裙和束腹带很厚实,还有长长的袖子和高而僵硬的立领,有碍于动作的发挥。
    The women played according to the men's rules, but their clothing was cumbersome.

8. 束腹阻碍了我的血液循环,我。。
    This corset was cutting off my circulation. I...

9. 这束腹的带子是在旁边系的。
    A bond or tie. This corset laces at the side.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. 在过去12年中,她一直坚持每天穿束腹紧身衣,现在更是24小时都不脱下来。
    In the past 12 years, she has been insisting daily wear lingerie leotards, not even 24 hours to take it off.

11. 这束腹的带子是在旁边系的。
      This corset laces at the side.

12. 在下面我还穿了一条橡胶质地的束腹,这可以保持束衣的清洁,我告诉学校的女孩们妈妈让我这样穿是为了让我保住贞洁。
      I wore a rubber panty girdle underneath, which kept it cleaner and told the girls at school that my Mum made me wear all this to keep me chaste.

13. 我听说奶奶问过妈妈,她有些担心我们,尤其使我被这样紧缚住,而妈妈没有告诉她关于我穿着的所有橡胶束腹,在那个时候我会穿上两条有时是三条束腹,这样它们就会把我包裹得更紧。
      I heard Ganna ask Mum is she was worried about us, me being tied like that, and Mum said not with all the rubber panty girdles I was wearing at the time. I liked to wear two and sometimes three of them because they squeezed me tighter.

14. 我们把束腹收紧了一点。
      We necked for a bit.

15. 眼下日本男人的腰围正呈日益增加之势,由此该国男用束腹产品的市场也在同步扩大。
      As Japanese waistlines expand, so is the market for girdles & for men.

16. 束腹什么意思

16. 这技术也是在著名的束腹后面的原则,它在最近的年里正在重获流行。
      This technique is also the principle behind the well-known corset, which is regaining popularity in recent years.

17. 束腹的解释

17. 更不要与妇女穿戴的束腹——也叫girdle(妇女的用弹力线制成的、柔韧的围在腰部或臀部的内衣)相混淆。
      This should not be confused with the girdle as a piece of ladies'underwear.

18. 顶着蓬乱的头发、裹着透不过气的束腹裤我迟到了
      I'm late with mad hair and can barely breathe in scary knickers.