束装[shù zhuānɡ]
1. 宁波健立电子有限公司是专业从事各种光通信器件的研发、设计、生产和销售的高新技术企业,也是国内最大的光纤器材生产厂商之一,产品主要集中在光纤适配器、连接头、跳线/尾纤、束装光纤以及配线柜领域。
Ningbo Jian Li Electronics Co., Ltd. are specializing in a variety of optical research and development, design, production and marketing of high-tech enterprises, is the nation's largest manufacturers of fiber-optic equipment, and products are mainly concentrated in the fiber optic adapter, connector, jump Line/pigtail, fiber optic beam loaded as well as the field wiring closet.
2. 束装的近义词
2. 是要叫我回去——你去吧,等会儿我再叫人来唤你——大人,我服从他们的命令,不日就可以束装上路,回到威尼斯去——去!
I am commanded home.
3. 我们也许太过注意他那破旧汗衫半掩下的胸膛所产生的基本身体效果,但是说得中肯些,Marlon Brando身体里似乎藏着一台静静嗡鸣的发电机,总是一副束装待发的样子。
Though not a huge man, he is both solid and lithe. we are perhaps, too much aware of the basic physical effect of his chest partially covered by a torn undershirt, but more to the point, Marlon Brando seems to carry in him a silently humming dynamo of energy, bridled and instantly ready.
4. 束装在线翻译
4. 然前为人而不知,后为鬼而不觉,所最难堪者,束装结带时耳。
Before she was a person and was unaware, afterwards she was a ghost and was still not enlightened, but the hardest to bear was the moment when she finished putting on her makeup and tightened her sash.