

条鞭法 双语例句

1. 进入第三阶段,中国赋税结构的演变再一次证明了农业税无可争议的地位,这一阶段发生的几次重大的赋税改革,如明一条鞭法、清摊丁入亩,无不证明政府一直将农业税置于赋税制度的中心。
    In the third stage, the evolution of tax structure of China again proved the position of the agriculture tax beyond controversy. The several great reforms of tax in the Ming and Ching dynasty all proved that the governments had put the agriculture at center of the tax system.

2. 一条鞭法的颁行堪称中国赋役制度变迁历程中的一次重大变革。
    The implementation of One Lash Method was a great reform in Chinas tax system reform.

3. 条鞭法在线翻译

3. 丈地均粮碑记与一条鞭法在甘南藏区的推行甘南藏区已婚育龄妇女生殖道自觉感染症状及感染现状分析
    Tablet with Measuring Field and Averaging Grains on and Practice of One-Whip Act in Southern Gansu Tibetan Area; Symptoms And Situation of RTI Among Married Childbearing Age Women in Tibetan Region

4. 第二节,论述了明清时期山东地区的赋役改革,即一条鞭法和地丁银的实施推广情况。
    Second section, elaborates the reform of taxes and service systems, in Ming and Qing Dynasties time in Shandong area.

5. 与州县相同,在辽东卫所,均徭改革的方向也指向一条鞭法
    State and County, in Liao dong are kept taxes the direction of reform also point to a whip.