




来报 双语例句

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1. 因为现在的报价是根据我们样品的质量来报的。
    Because current quotation is to come according to the quality of our sample to announce.

2. 彼叩门声响,必来报佳音。
    Heknocks boldly at the door who brings good news.

3. 请根据600000片来报总价。
    Please use a volume of 600, 000 total EAU.

4. danci.911cha.com

4. 时至中夜,辗转难眠的金灵好不容易有了点睡意,却听得外面一阵阵夜枭的叫声,然后似乎有些人的走动声和语声,金灵起身走到房外,一个家仆匆匆来报
    Nevertheless, rounds of woo from the owls outside and some sounds of walking and talking wake her.

5. 来报

5. 尹仲还没说完,就听到一阵急促敲门声,童战去开门,却是一个族人来报,说是在北边郑家村附近,发现了童博的踪迹,鹰组请示是否要通知村人避难
    There is a Tung`s man who reports that the eagle team found Po near the Zheng`s village north and they want to know if they should warn the villagers.

6. 俏也不争春,只把春来报
    Qiao Zheng-chun is not only at the spring.

7. danci.911cha.com

7. 俏也不争春,只把春来报
    Sweet and fair, she craves not Spring for herself alone

8. 来报的近义词

8. 秀真:他们的仇会由我来报
    Hotsuma:Their deaths shall be avenged by my blade.

9. 按此刻的排版办法,陈排一个图文纯排的文件,用PSP发排,在PSP洋指明图片路径,还来报缺图不对。
    According to the interpuntion method in the past, the new row a graphics and text in vertical files, publishing with PSP, the PSP are specified in the path to the picture, he continues to report missing map error.

10. 来报

10. 第二天初旦,仆人荒荒张张来报,父亲薨了。
    The next day the beginning of the day, the servant Arakawa Arakawa reported to Zhang, a Hong father.

11. 来报的翻译

11. 据探马来报,敌人已经开始撤退了。
      According to the cavalry, the enemy are beginning to withdraw.

12. 来报的翻译

12. 我来报她说的。你来做。
      I will repeat what she says and you follow the instructions.

13. 但他又必须杀死他,来报杀父之仇。
      But he must kill him, because of his father.

14. mm 我来报平安哦,今天收到试用装了,包装很专业哦
      Hi i received the trial pack today, the packaging is very professional

15. 今天早上有人来报她失踪。
      And she was reported missing this morning.

16. “这是个不错的主意,”男人说:“来,我来报你的猴子。”
      " That's a good idea, " the man said. " Here, let me hold your monkey. "

17. 某天早上,有人来报说告,一个大箱子从德国送到。
      One morning the arrival of an enormous case from Germany was announced.

18. “这是个不错的主意,”男人说:“来,我来报你的猴子。”
      " That's a good idea," the man said. " Here, let me hold your monkey. "