

杯盘狼藉[bēi pán láng jí]

词典Dishes and wine cups from dinner (still) cluttered up the table.

词典Cups and trays are scattered around in disorder.杯盘狼藉。

词典Soiled dishes (and cups) were piled up at random.


词典stacks of cups and trays [dishes]

杯盘狼藉 汉英大词典

杯盘狼藉[bēi pán láng jí]

Dishes and wine cups from dinner (still) cluttered up the table.; Cups and trays are scattered around in disorder.; Soiled dishes (and cups) were piled up at random.; stacks of cups and trays [dishes]; The cups, bowls and dishes lie about in great disorder

杯盘狼藉 网络解释

1. bei pan lang li:85 杯弓蛇影 bei gong she ying | 86 杯盘狼藉 bei pan lang li | 87 杯水车薪 bei shui che xin

2. 杯盘狼藉什么意思

2. bei pan lang ji:24.杯弓蛇影 bei gong she ying | 25.杯盘狼藉 bei pan lang ji | 26.杯水车薪 bei shui che xin

杯盘狼藉 双语例句

1. 杯盘狼藉

1. 生活的情趣,不在一片杯盘狼藉、喧哗笑闹中,也不在灯红酒绿、衣香鬓影中,而在偷得浮生半日闲。
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2. 杯盘狼藉

2. 大灾难和破产随之而来,新的共识从上次盛宴的杯盘狼藉中显现。
    Then comes catastrophe and bankruptcy, and a fresh consensus emerges from the debris of the last great party.

3. 看来生活是很能消磨人的,它就像一只蹑手蹑脚的猫,在我们猝不及防的时候将我们的人生舔得杯盘狼藉
    It seems life is to kill people, and it crept like a cat, when we caught off guard licked our cups and saucers messy life.

4. 杯盘狼藉什么意思

4. 更为严重的是,他经常不自觉地将自己投入到一些经典电影的场面中去,过后又会对着自己亲手创造的杯盘狼藉景象吃惊不已。
    The Dursleys had a son named Dudley, and his favorite game was beating Harry.

5. 信用卡的来历据说在1950年,一位颇有社会地位的美国人请了一些朋友吃晚饭,吃得杯盘狼藉
    The antecedents of credit card is in allegedly 1950, an American that has social class quite asked a few friends to have dinner, eat messily.

6. 付晓东:老鼠之后的龙虾有点狂欢过后杯盘狼藉的状态,它留着狂欢的痕迹,是垃圾的美感,意味着天下没有不散的宴席和人生的变化无常,有一个时间的概念,像是对美好的幻灭和死亡之美的欣赏。
    It kept the trail of the carnival, which is a sense of garbage beauty, implying that any joyful feast should have its end and life is in a constant change in which a concept of time rules, seeming like an appreciation of an extinguishing beauty and the beauty of death.

7. 庆幸聚会后要清理杯盘狼藉的场所,因为那意味着我的周围有许多朋友。
    For the mess to clean after a klatch, because it means that I have been surrounded by friends.

8. danci.911chaxun.com

8. 每天在家中就餐不能容忍杯盘狼藉,就像在宴会上不能容忍那样。就礼仪而言,不管有人还是没有人陪同进餐,你都应该以完全相同的方式生活。
    Sloppy service is no more to be tolerated every day at home than at a dinner party. (2) So far as etiquette is concerned, you should live in exactly the same way whether there is company or none.

9. 晚餐后水槽里杯盘狼藉,还得准备一些爆米花和饮料,如果不这样他们就不会睡觉。为什么我从不能在他们之前休息?
    Dirty dishes fill the sink, Make some popcorn and a drink, Will they never go to bed, Will I never get ahead?