

Jie people;
杰人 双语例句

1. 杰人

1. 闽杰人将时刻关注客户的需求,本着产品经济、耐用、高效为根本,一如既往为推动石材机械行业的发展而努力!
    We make sure that our products are economic, durable, efficient and try our best to promote the development of stone machinery industry!

2. 睿杰塑机公司永远把客户利益放在第一位,谋求双赢发展,您的成功才是我们的骄傲,才是睿杰人日益腾飞的基础。
    Customers first, Ruijie Plastic Machinery Co., Ltd. takes customer's benefit into consideration. Your success is our pride! Mr. Sun, President and G. M.

3. 这些都是开纳杰人团结一致,努力开创市场的硕果。
    It is result of the solidarity of KNJ people and their effort in initiateing the market.

4. 这些都是开纳杰人团结一致,努力开创市场的硕果。
    It owe to the solidarism of the staff and their effort to initiate the market.