

枕席[zhěn xí ]

词典a mat used to cover a pillow枕席。

词典pillow mat枕席。


枕席 汉英大词典

枕席[zhěn xí]

(铺在枕头上的凉席) a mat used to cover a pillow; pillow mat

枕席 网络解释

1. pillow mat:pillow linen 亚麻枕套布 | pillow mat 枕席 | pillow sack 枕套

枕席 双语例句

1. 黄香九岁,用自己的身体将枕席温暖
    Hsiang, at nine years of age, could warm (his parent's) bed.

2. 枕席

2. 玛丽是位甜蜜的姑娘,美丽的姑娘,温柔的姑娘,而且是位自荐枕席的姑娘。
    A sweet girl, a fine girl, a tender girl is Mary, and a willing.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 戴王冠的头是不能安于他的枕席的。
    Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.

4. 枕席的反义词

4. 黄香九岁的时候就能为父母温暖枕席,孝敬父母这是应当遵守的。
    Xiang, at nine, could warm (his parent's) bed. Filial piety towards parents, should be carried out.

5. 戴王冠的头是不能安于他的枕席的。
    Neither a borrower nor a lender be.

6. 他们一起在尸体旁边聊天,加油添醋地谈她缠绵枕席时种种轶闻,以及生病的真正的或想象的原因。
    They gossiped together over the corpse, related anecdotes, with embellishments, of her lingering

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. 它听从我们的吩咐,我们要了什么,就会收获什么。我们自己铺设了枕席,自己眠卧其中。我们自己制造了模具,我们自己构想了蓝图,潜意识会把我们的构想的蓝图付诸实现。
    It takes us at our word; we have asked for something; we are now to receive it; we have made our bed, we are now to lie in it; the die has been cast; the threads will carry out the pattern we have made.

8. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

8. 用水牛角加工编织成各种类型的床席、枕席、座席是一项前无古人的发明创造。
    Shui Niujiao by processing all types of woven bed seats, pillow mat, the seat is an unprecedented innovation.

9. 枕席的翻译

9. 患佝偻病的小儿在入睡后就开始多汗,尤其是头部,能湿透枕席或枕巾,并伴有枕秃和惊哭。
    Children suffering from rickets began in sleep hyperhidrosis, especially the head, can be soaked pillow mat or towel used to cover pillow and pillow with bald and scared to cry.

10. 枕席的意思

10. 结发同枕席,黄泉共为友
    Knot hair with pillow mat, a total of Friends of the Land of the Dead

11. 他们一起在尸体旁边聊天,加油添醋地谈她缠绵枕席时种种轶闻,以及生病的真正的或想象的原因。
      They gossiped together over the corpse, related anecdotes, with embellishments, of her lingering decline, and its real or supposed cause.

12. 荷马的史诗每提到一个重要的英雄,都要讲到同他共享帐篷和枕席的被俘的姑娘。
      If a hero is of any importance, Homer also mentions the captive girl with whom he shares his tent and his bed.