

林荫道[lín yīn dào]








林荫道 汉英大词典

林荫道[lín yīn dào]

boulevard; avenue; mall; alameda

林荫道 网络解释

1. 林荫道

1. parkway:parapet wall 护栏;低墙;护墙 | parkway 林荫道 | partial closure 局部封闭

2. 林荫道的意思

2. avenue n:beneath prep. 在...之下 | avenue n. 林荫道 | mushroom v. 很快地出现

3. malls:plazas 广场 | malls 林荫道 | Adaptable 适应性强的

林荫道 双语例句

1. 林荫道在线翻译

1. 当芳香的菩提树把它们轻盈的花朵撒在小径上,野蔷薇的叶子飘浮在夏天的空气里时,这条长长的林荫道是多么明媚,多么信人,而今在这缺乏欢乐的中断期间,它是荒凉得多么可怕,凄凉得多么可怕。这个中断期把圣诞节家庭的欢乐和来春苍白的赧红划分了开来,它是一年之中的一个死气沉沉的停顿,大自然在此期间仿佛偃卧在昏睡之中,等待着树木抽芽、繁花绽开的信号。
    The long avenue, so bright and pleasant when the perfumed limes scattered their light bloom upon the pathway, and the dog-rose leaves floated on the summer air, was terribly bleak and desolate in the cheerless interregnum that divides the homely joys of Christmas from the pale blush of coming spring--a dead pause in the year, in which Nature seems to lie in a tranced sleep, awaiting the wondrous signal for the budding of the tree, and the bursting of the flower.

2. 在城里新建的林荫道的主要入口处有一个巨大的镶嵌画。
    A combination of cartoon, graffiti, and performance art in a minimalist, unsopisticated style.

3. 我完全是杞人忧天:当他跨进房间时,他笑得很诚恳。他穿着一身淡褐色亚麻西服,戴着蓝色领带。当我们走在牛津住宅区的林荫道上时,他更愿意谈论我们都认识的经济学界人物,而不是就电台主持艺术对我进行说教。
    I needn't have worried: as he strides into the lodge in a pale brown linen suit and blue tie, Dilnot's smile is genuine enough, and as we walk together through north Oxford's leafy residential streets, he is more eager to identify shared acquaintances in the world of economics than to lecture me on the art of radio presenting.

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

4. 我完全是杞人忧天:当他跨进房间时,他笑得很诚恳。他穿着一身淡褐色亚麻西服,戴着蓝色领带。当我们走在牛津住宅区的林荫道上时,他更愿意谈论我们都认识的经济学界人物,而不是就电台主持艺术对我进行说教。
    I neednt have worried: as he strides into the lodge in a pale brown linen suit and blue tie, Dilnots smile is genuine enough, and as we walk together through north Oxfords leafy residential streets, he is more eager to identify shared acquaintances in the world of economics than to lecture me on the art of radio presenting.

5. 在这林荫道的尽头,是一个古老的拱门和一个钟楼。钟楼上有只愚蠢的、糊里糊涂的钟,它只有一根短针,直接从一个钟头跳到下一个钟头,因而它始终是走在极端上。
    At the end of this avenue there was an old arch and a clock-tower, with a stupid, bewildering clock, which had only one hand; and which jumped straight from one hour to the next, and was therefore always in extremes.

6. 林荫道

6. 32在查尔维尔林荫道的树底下,康米神父瞅见一艘泥炭船,一匹拉纤的马低垂着脑袋,头戴脏草帽的船老大坐在船中央,抽着烟,目不转睛地望着头顶上一根白杨树枝。
    Moored under the trees of Charleville Mall Father Conmee saw a turfbarge, a towhorse with pendent head, a bargeman with a hat of dirty straw seated amidships, smoking and staring at a branch of poplar above him.

7. 林荫道的意思

7. 我能想见,在太古般沉寂的另一个天地,远远地在最最的静谧里,只有喘息和营营的蜂鸟们竞奔于林荫道间。
    I can imagine, in some otherworld Primeval-dumb, far back In that most awful stillness, that only gasped and hummed, Humming-birds raced down the avenues.

8. danci.911chaxun.com

8. 一切元素都在此地重新拼贴,一边迷恋芝加哥式的摩天大厦,一边偏爱巴黎风格的林荫道,老中国文化和新的都市精神组合成这城市无数的解释,外来的和本地的人与思想冲撞,城市的定语不断修正
    All elements are being recomposed in Shanghai. The city is addicted to Chicagoan skyscrapers and Parisian boulevards. The integration of traditional culture and a cosmopolitan spirit, the constant, ever-changing collision of foreign habits and local conventions make it impossible to define the city.

9. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

9. 他们由捷径穿过牧场,越过一道阶梯,进入通向拱廊的林荫道时,天空中太阳低沉——一个火红的、沉重的、不祥的落日,空气里一片死一般的寂静,吓得想唱歌的鸟儿6走了,把辽阔的田野留给一些在沟里呱呱乱叫的、强词夺理的青蛙。
    The sun was low in the skies as they took a short cut through the meadows, and crossed a stile into the avenue leading to the archway--a lurid, heavy-looking, ominous sun-set, and a deathly stillness in the air, which frightened the birds that had a mind to sing, and left the field open to a few captious frogs croaking in the ditches.

10. 林荫道两侧高矗的巨大杨树在高空哗哗地摇着叶片。他抬起头来看了看太阳。
    As the leaves of the great tall poplars at the sides of the shady path rustled in the blue expanse of sky, he lifted his head and looked at the sun.

11. 你只能从一条支路走到那儿,一路上两边都是树木,修剪得整整齐齐,好比绅士邸园里的林荫道
      You could only reach it by a cross-road, bordered by trees, and as trimly kept as the avenues in a gentleman's park.

12. 管理工程系于 2008 年 5 月 14 日在大礼堂外的林荫道旁举行了面向全校的大型义卖活动。
      Mr. Tian Zude: the pioneer of China`s foreign trade (North America plans-China Operations) in drilling industry.

13. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

13. 藤架林荫道或通道两侧由柱子支起的棚架,上面爬满了人工种植的植物
      An arbor or a passageway of columns supporting a roof of trelliswork on which climbing plants are trained to grow.

14. 林荫道

14. 接着,她们穿过两条树上挂满金叶子的林荫道
      Then they passed into two avenues with gold leaves.

15. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

15. 在韩国,有好几个地方的林荫道都很漂亮,宝城的衫树道就是其中之一。
      There are several country roads in Korea known for their beauty, and one of them is the Boseong Cedar Road.

16. 这时虽是夜晚,但是,林荫道同往常一样,给泛光灯照得通明月。
      It was night now, but the mall as usual was bright with floodlights.

17. danci.911cha.com

17. 这时虽是夜晚,但是,林荫道同往常一样,给泛光灯照得通明月。
      It was night now, but the mall as usual was bright with floodlights. A car pulled up.

18. 沿着那条几乎无法穿行的暴土扬尘的主林荫道深入,禁猎区又呈现惊人的景象。
      Travel farther down the almost impassable packed dirt that acts as a major boulevard, and the sanctuary continues to surprise.

19. 他紧紧地握了一下他堂妹的手,向奥德利夫人鞠了一躬,然后在拱门的黑色阴影下走了出去,走上了庄院府邸外那条安静的林荫道
      He pressed his cousin's hand, bowed to Lady Audley, and walked away under the black shadows of the archway, and out into the quiet avenue beyond the Court.

20. 林荫道

20. 在城里新建的林荫道的主要入口处有一个巨大的镶嵌画。
      The new mall in town features a gaint mosaic over the main entrance way.