

柔曼[róu màn]


柔曼 双语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. 柔曼精油力图让每个女人的生活精致、愉快。
    Romanticoil so that each woman trying to exquisite life, happiness.

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. 柔曼精油的二十九道生产工序,均由安德鲁亲自制订,缺一不可。
    Romanticoil production of 29 by Andrew personal development, are indispensable.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. 从产生的地域和文化背景来看,客家山歌具有北方民歌遒劲刚健的风格;从客家人生存环境看,客家山歌表现出婉约柔曼的南方民歌风格特征。
    Seen from the region and cultural background, in which Hakka folk song produces, it has the vigorous and energetic style of northern folk song.

4. 柔曼

4. 眺望着波浪孩子样追赶,合唱着一支歌,那么柔曼
    Watching the waves chase one after another like children for fun

5. 秦观词中所占分量不大的较单纯的应歌娱人之制为第一类,虽亦直承花间派风貌特征与价值取向而来,却洗涤秾艳绮靡色调而转趋于清丽柔曼,有的更暗暗透露出开始朝第二类融入的消息。
    Although its style took directly from the features and values of'HuaJian'schools, it has thrown off colorful fashion and inclined to be pure, what's more, among of them has begun to transform the second type.

6. 柔曼什么意思

6. 在芬兰极北的拉普兰的柔曼尼米极圈有个圣诞老人村。
    There is a Santa Claus village at the Arctic Circle Rovaniemi in Lapland in Finland.

7. 柔曼是什么意思

7. 昆曲行腔优美,以缠绵婉转、柔曼悠远见长,在演唱技巧上注重声音的控制、节奏速度的顿挫疾徐和咬字吐音的讲究,昆曲音乐以婉丽妩媚、一唱三叹著称。
    Kunqu Opera is characterized by elegant, lingering and touching tune, and in terms of performing techniques, it focuses on control of voice, rapid and slow pause and transition in rhythm and speed and particularity of pronunciation.

8. 柔曼

8. 舞者踏着柔曼的步伐在甘马兰乐器中轻声细唱&一个远古的神秘。
    Dancers moved in gentle steps to gamelan music, whispering in song about this ancient mystery.

9. 我把诗种成卷叶草的柔曼
    I cultivate the poem in the gentleness of the rolling leaves.

10. 薄雾凭着山间舒缓柔曼的风之旋律,陪伴那山翩翩起舞,薄雾用它那曼妙的舞姿作墨,将那山泼洒出一幅美妙无比的水墨丹青,呈现于我面前。
    Mountain mist with the wind easing melody, accompanied by dancing Mountains, mist with its marvelous dance for Mexico, will be thrown out of a mountain of ink very wonderful Danqing shows in front of me.