查封[chá fēng]
seal up; close down:
seal up pornographic literature;
The tsarist government closed down the newspaper in December 1905.
1. seize:警察对于这样的事有不着去逮住、查封( seize)、搏斗、对抗(fight)或是搜寻、调查(search)的,如果这样未免小题大作,再说学生们所做的事还没到违反治安的地步.
2. 查封的解释
2. seizure:四年后,在<<查封>>(Seizure)里,他又出任了编剧和剪辑. 这些难得的经验,都为斯通在电影界的发展打下了一定的基础. 1978年,他更凭借<<午夜快车>><
3. 查封的反义词
3. close down:查房 make/go the rounds of the wards | 查封 close down | 插杠子 poke one's nose into someone's businesses
4. 查封
4. seal up:采信的证据 admitted evidence | 查封 seal up | 撤回上诉 withdraw appeal