

根究[gēn jiū]


词典make a thorough investigation of[法]查清;根究。

词典get to the bottom of根究;弄清…底细。

词典probe into探究;细查,深究;根究;格。

根究 汉英大词典

根究[gēn jiū]


(彻底追究) make a thorough investigation of; get to the bottom of; probe into:


    probe into the cause

根究 双语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 追 根究底,是因为我们的社会缺乏足够的文化自发力。
    In the final analysis, Singaporean society still lacks a deep cultural root.

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. 如果他们再想根究别的什么,那就等于通知我搬家。
    If they try to know more, it's a notice to quit.

3. 根究的近义词

3. 如果我们要多管闲事,仔细根究生活中一切阴暗的事,那我们恐怕什么都没心思干了。
    If we are to be prying and spying into all the dismals of life, we should have no heart to anything.

4. danci.911cha.com

4. 女孩总会根究你为什么不打电话给她。
    Girls check you for not calling them.

5. 根究的近义词

5. 造成黑眼圈的重要原因,其實歸根究底在於血液循環不好。
    An important reason for the formation of dark circles is bad.

6. 此次的谈判会旨在根究各类方法,以便彻底地改动听们的行为,力求增加温室气体的排放。
    The event was designed to explore ways to change behavior on a scale big enough to have a major impact on global greenhouse gas emissions.

7. 根究是什么意思

7. 我们应当嗅出真理,根究到底,把真理掌握在自己的手里。
    We must scent out the truth and dig in the earth for it, and seize it.

8. 根究实际应用中的要求以及基于系统效率方面的考虑,平台采用ASP。
    Based on the practical requirement and the efficiency of the system, the platform adopts the techniques of ASP.

9. 最后,根究目前课题研究的进展情况,提出下一步研究工作的建议和意见。
    Finally, in view of present progress of the research, proposes the suggestions and opinions of the next phase research task.

10. 根究税收环境异化的原因并在此基础上优化制度规则,是我国深化税制改革的立足点。
    To Find the reason of the tax environment alienation and optimize the system rule is the problem that deserved our concern and the jumping-off point to improve our tax work.