

桀骜难驯 双语例句

1. 让你无法脱身的伊拉克,塔利班势力死灰复燃的阿富汗,桀骜难驯的伊朗,民族主义再次高涨的俄罗斯以及日渐强硬的中国,美国所面临的难题似乎在迅速增加,与此同时,她掌控大局的能力却在逐渐衰退。
    America is bogged down in Iraq, the Taliban is resurgent in Afghanistan and Iran is flexing its muscles, Russian nationalism is on the rise once again and China is getting increasingly bolshy. America's problems seem to be multiplying at the same time as its ability to

2. 桀骜难驯在线翻译

2. 让你无法脱身的伊拉克,塔利班势力死灰复燃的阿富汗,桀骜难驯的伊朗,民族主义再次高涨的俄罗斯以及日渐强硬的中国,美国所面临的难题似乎在迅速增加,与此同时,她掌控大局的能力却在逐渐衰退。
    America is bogged down in Iraq, the Taliban is resurgent in Afghanistan and Iran is flexing its muscles, Russian nationalism is on the rise once again and China is getting increasingly bolshy. America's problems seem to be multiplying at the same time as its ability to deliver results is waning.